
image made with Portrait
Name: Ivy
Age: Older Teen
Gender: Female
Race: Multiplist
Western Equatorial Jungles of Atu Description:
A small (4'5"), bipedal humanoid with golden/tanned skin
and dark brown hair. She has almond-shaped eyes, a large, flat nose, a
round face and small round ears. Her long hair covers the short, bristly
mane that runs from her neck down to the small of her back. As Ivy is
self-conscious of her mane, she will subconsciously keep it hidden from
Personality: Multiplists see bonding to a Projectionist as a great
honour. Those in their teens are usually chosen
to bond, based upon credentials and family lines. Ivy has
worked hard to be chosen for the honour of bonding a projectionist. She is
dedicated, stressed and probably overwhelmed by all that is coming her way
but she will not let it be seen on her face. She is quick to analyse those
around her and will always try to decipher the power hierarchy in the
surrounding people. Ambition is not a dirty word, it is a way of life.
Skills: (granted by Divignis)
*Lightning bottle: Can create lightning in a bottle as
a way to read in the dark
*Quick zap: small offensive lightning magic for self
defense *-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-* STORY
Ivy was allowed to enter the sacred place where the eggs
were kept. Few were granted access, even fewer would be allowed to try and
bond one of the new Projectionists. Her lineage had been a key, but a
simple one to be honest. She'd had to hone her mind and soul to add
substance to her key, to make it shine. She'd barely had a childhood,
every waking moment spent studying. But it had been worth it for this
Ivy kept her face blank and her hands still. She'd need to look the part,
even today. She'd probably never be able to relax for the rest of her
life. But that was okay. She wanted this.
The eggs started hatching and dragons appeared, their crests marked with
esoteric symbols that she knew from her lessons in alchemy. Even as
hatchlings they were pretty big and they would grow to dwarf her.
A sandy yellow hatchling drew her attention as it seemed to be coming
toward her. Her crest marked with the signs for fire and separate. Her
eyes spoke of intelligence, her stance of power but the voice that entered
Ivy's mind was warm as an open hearth, comforting and soothing:
"My name is Divignis."

Star City Dragonry
Birthday Bash 2008 STATS
Name: Divignis
Gender: Female
Race: Projectionist (Atuan Mutt)
Western Equatorial Jungles of Atu Description:
*Colours: Yellow, darker at the
feet and lighter at the head.
*Size: 20-25' at the shoulder
*Pattern: just lightly mottled
*Breeding: clutches of 5-12 eggs, colours in offspring
depend upon mate (elemental vs not). Offspring requires bond.
Requirements: All must have at least one bond. Can bond to more
than one being (prefer humanoids) at a time. When a bond dies they can be
replaced by another.
Cultural Notes: Generally consider themselves superior to
humanoids. Personalities vary from pacifistic to aggressive, but use of
abilities is reserved and controlled, rarely if ever used during fights or
to manipulate others intentions. Abilities used (aside from telepathy) are
often done privately (or within the presence of bonded); public use is
considered risque.
Personality: Haughty, flashy but hardworking behind
the scenes
Lightning: (Fire x Air) Extremely quick to manifest
and to disappear thereafter, leaving an ozone-taste and a
hairs-standing-on-end sensation for the user. Lightning-based abilities
are difficult to harness, but are extremely useful once mastery is
complete. *-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*
Divignis made lightning crackle from her talons. It was
but a little trick that was highly inappropriate to perform in public, but
when she was by herself she enjoyed watching the energy run across her
body. The crackling died down at the
tip of her tail, leaving the telltale smell of ozone in the air and a
pleasant tingling in her limbs.
But enough play, she needed to work. Her bond Ivy would need more skills
to raise her rank. She was so very feeble but despite that she never let
her mind freeze in fear. It was remarkable and also a bit dazzling to see
the humanoids act as they did. But then, they were smart enough to borrow
the powers of beings as regal as the projectionists, so they were at least
crafty enough to make their situations better. And Divignis did enjoy the
way she and Ivy would talk and theorise.
She'd already given Ivy a skill to use lighting as a lightsource. Ivy
loved to read after all. But in the light of her recent musings, Divignis
decided that her bond needed a way to defend herself. A dragon couldn't be
everywhere at once.
Pleased with herself, she set to working.
Lantessama Isle
Background image from deitydiva |