Im'rys Raeylle Evita

image made with Portrait Works

Name: Im'rys Raeylle Evita
Age: Classified (you can't ask a lady her age!)
Gender: Female
Race: Gnome

Description: Im'rys is a thin gnome female with long, pointed ears, a narrow chin and high forehead. Her pronounced nose and large eyebrows would look out of place in her face if it wasn't for her large eyes. Her irises are a very dark blue, almost black. Im'rys is very expressive, but she can act out the emotions that she wants to convey.
Im'rys was born to royalty. But as she was only 20th in line for the throne, it was determined that she would join the temple or church as a high-placed clergy woman. Im'rys carries herself with all the elegance and grace of an empress. Despite her small stature she has a mighty presence and a loud voice.
Im'rys usually dresses in fine clothes. Silks, brocades, the finest wool blends. All with added embellishments.

Personality: Im'rys might have been fated for a life of service to the gods, but she is not a blind devotee. Though humble and polite, she is also sharp and intelligent. Having been placed in a leadership role, she uses her upbringing and people-skills to acquire the best for her wards and the charities they endorse. She has a big heart but knows that she needs to limit herself for her efforts to take the best effect.
Im'rys might not have a lot of free time, but when she does find a few moments to herself, she is quite happy to fill them playing games with the elder priests or debating with the novices. She sometimes misses just being Im'rys the person and would like to go places incognito.

     *Verbal Prowess & Multiglot

Pet: Although not actually a pet, one of the complex monkeys has taken a shine to her and follows her around.


Im'rys Raeylle Evita had been on her way to the library when she was summoned. The messenger, one of the new novices, was sweating and breathing hard as she had probably run all around the large building in an attempt to find her. It took some time to get the message between the gasps and stutters.
"Your.... Em- Eminence. The bis... shop. Re- requires you.... your presence.... Most... immediately."
Vexingly, this was all the novice had been told. The bisshop was a portly, wrinkled man with a bad back and the look of a sleepy cat. But his wit was untouched by age and his temper was as mercurial as the seas. He usually asked people to see him 'most immediately' as he wasn't very patient. He might have summoned her for as trivial a thing as to discuss the weather for the day. Still, Im'rys hurried toward the bisshop's office.
But when she arrived, the man in question wasn't around. His aid informed her that she should meet with him in the back gardens.
Im'rys continued her fast-paced walk but had to stop a few times to talk to people that greeted her.
"Lovely to meet you here, Your Excellence. Do you have time to survey the planting?"
"Maybe later, I'm on my way to the bisshop." Im'rys excused herself.
"Sister Evita! Have a taste of my new almond cookies, they came out well."
"Thank you, they are indeed very tasty."
Finally, Im'rys reached the gardens. The tranquil place calmed her instantly and she breathed a sigh of relief. She just needed to get through the meeting with the bisshop and she could go back to her own day - with a few added tasks.
But any thought about plans and tasks immediately fled her thoughts when she saw what the bisshop wanted to talk to her about. Because there was only one thing he could possibly want to talk to her about and that was the large dragon that was laying comfortably in the grass.
"Finally, Im'rys Raeylle Evita has arrived."
The bisshop always insisted on using her full regal name.
Im'rys gave a bow and then waited for further introductions. When the bisshop didn't volunteer any, Im'rys turned to the dragon and continued:
"Charmed to make your acquaintance. Please call me Im'rys. It seems I'm at a disadvantage."
The dragon bowed her head slightly and seemed benevolent as she introduced herself. Her voice was like a warm flame, soft and mesmerising.
"My name is Aesinauanha Selamputo. You may call me Aesina. I've come to serve at your monastery."
The bisshop seemed to pale at the prospect of having a dragon around. Im'rys couldn't recall the last time she'd seen the man actually sweat. But his worries weren't without ground.
"I'm delighted to hear of your wish to serve. I'm not certain we can accomodate you at present. Might we ask you to wait for news that we have provided suitable lodging?"
"No need." Aesina remarked.
A puff of smoke obscured the dragoness and when it lifted, a far smaller figure appeared in her place. Still coloured pastel green, yellow and purple and sporting white, feathery hair, the lithe human female was indeed much better suited to the monastery buildings.
"Allow me to give you a tour of the grounds." Im'rys said.
The shapeshifted dragon nodded and the two women left the stupefied bisshop behind. As they traversed the grounds and visited several of the monastery buildings, it became clear that they were well-matched and Im'rys was happy to note that a room close to her own was available for Aesina to stay in. Im'rys could already tell that the dragon would be an asset to the monastery and that was mostly due to her innate love of volunteering, her determination and her lack of being deterred by crowds as quickly became obvious while they dodged the requests that came for Im'rys. The dwarf knew that she should keep Aesina around. No matter what the dragon wanted, Im'rys would try to grant it.

Aesinauanha bonded at the Rainbow Glitz Gather

Name: Aesinauanha Selamputo
Gender: Female
Origin: Mirus Fortress
Parents: Hadisha Selamputo x Maeritaan
Species: Flurry-Mutt

     Colours: White-Pigmented Rainbow Prism (with Black Boots)
     Size: 20' at the shoulder
Personality: Likes crowds, very determined, likes volunteering, humble
     * Verbal Speech
     * Teleportation
     * Full Shifting (Human-Dragon Spectrum)
     * Shapeshifting (Anything)
     * Fire Majyck

Lantessama Isle
Background image from deitydiva