
image made with Portrait
Name: Ekene
Age: 24
Gender: Non Binary
Race: Human
Class: Ranger Description:
Ekene is a tall person with dark skin, long braided black hair, a wide
nose and lush lips. They are very agile and move as light as to hardly
make any noise. They usually dress in tight-fitting clothes topped with a
loose cape.
Personality: Ekene is a ranger tasked with keeping the peace in a
covert fashion. They are known as a friendly adventurer and mercenary who
charges a decent rate. Of course that income is supplemented by the
official job. While they travel around their province, people sometimes
disappear or have a change of heart. To Ekene, the work is a means to an
end. They happen to be good at it and it pays the bills while they can
enjoy a free lifestyle and determine their own hours.
Skills: Sword-fighting (rapier), Stealth
Enjoys: Clearing hurdles and finishing the job in a satisfactory
way, using their wit.
Dislikes: discrimination, cruelty.
Pet: - *-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-*-;-* STORY
Ekene was walking through the forest. They had tasked to inspect some
unusual disappearances that had happened around here. Officially they were
here on the same errand the others had taken. The seemingly easy task of
gathering herbs was now rumoured to be cursed. Maybe it was a good thing
that no-one wanted anything to do with this job. Ekene would be worried
but the others had been low-grade adventurers, people that needed to build
some skills. They just worried that some dangerous animal was causing the
disappearances. Their employers worried that it could be a smuggling ring
but that seemed unlikely to Ekene because why would they target random
adventurers? That didn't seem very profitable.
Either way, Ekene would do their job. They would carefully scout the place
and look for disturbances. It didn't take long to reach the place. It was
a quiet, secluded spot. Quite sheltered and nothing indicated any
struggles had taken place. Ekene sensed no others around, sensed no
menacing auras. Everything looked peaceful.
Ekene stepped into the clearing and immediately realised their mistake.
The people disappearing had nothing to do with animals or foul play and
all with a very uncommon portal phenomenon. Ekene managed to disable
the portal by erasing part of the offending circle of magical mushrooms
but in the process erased what they thought to be his only way home.
A few seconds later they appeared into some random spot that could be half
a planet or half a galaxy away from their home. Feeling slightly unsteady,
they looked around and was amazed by the unusual presences around. People
and beings of large variety were standing around them and very few of them
looked surprised by Ekene's arrival.
"Excuse me." a voice called.
Ekene gazed into the caring eyes of a very unusual creature.
"Yes?" Ekene asked and wondered why they knew the being was
called Iqotza.
"I was waiting for you. I'm quite grateful
to those magical mushrooms that sent you to me. Don't worry though,
someone will send word to your world so your friends and family will know
you're okay."
"I don't have many of those."
"Don't worry. You'll make more."
"I don't know if I want that." 
Iqotza bonded at The Refugium
Name: Iqotza
Gender: female
Colour: Cream-Yellow
Parents: Karaq x Alessphelixazhan
Species: Quetzalcoatl-Hathian
Description: A cream-coloured, slender dragoness with large feathered
wings. One pair attach to her back, another pair attaches from wrist to
shoulder. She has a lush feathered tail and feathered eye-horns.
Size: Medium (from 10' to 14' at the shoulder)
Personality: Magnanimous and kind. Iqotza knows that as a dragon she has
some advantages and feels she must use these for the greater good of
creatures. Death and the circle of life are necessary parts of life, but
she believes a little thoughtfulness can go a long way. Iqotza aspires to
become wise but knows that she will likely never reach her goal.
*Breath Weapon: Ice and Acid
*Illusion Magic
*Shapeshifting (to a single humanoid form of choice,
including liron, human, or any other fantasy race)
*Venomous Bite
As Iqotza has told him, some dragonrider with too much time on his hands
had sent word to Ekene's employers and family about his whereabouts.
Iqotza herself couldn't teleport but she had mentioned they could return
once she had finished growing. Time went by slowly but surely, Ekene
working where they could and learning all they could about dragons and the
whole nexus that was out there.
"It won't be long now." Iqotza
reassured Ekene.
"You always seem to know what I'm thinking."
"Not always, but mostly." she
smiled sweetly. She enjoyed looking after her bond though Ekene was in
fact older there was no way they could best her in a fight. Not anymore
after all.
"Returning home seems a bit strange after all this time." Ekene
"If you don't need to return immediately,
there are things I would like to do here."
"More people need draconic bonds to care for
them. I would very much like to spread my love unto others."
Lantessama Isle
Background image from deitydiva |