
image made with Portrait
Name: Gideon
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Species/Universe: Human mage - HPVerse
Physical description: Caucasian, typical of
Europeans and almost entirely unmemorable in appearance
Personality: Clumsy, Flippant
Attending: Home
Schooled Year/Age: 5th year, age 15
Favourite Subject: Defence Against the
Dark Arts
Worst Subject: Entertainment and Communication
Goal: Animal Vet
Magic: Weather Witch - able to affect the local
weather by virtue of their mood
Weapon: Wand
Length: this is more a rod than a wand, at just
under three feet long
Wood: Ebony (stealth)
Core: Phoenix blood (loyalty)
Favoured Spell: cushioning charm - places an invisible soft pillow anywhere
Hobby: Quidditch: plays as a Chaser, plays
Family: Half-Blooded (mother), poverty-stricken
Familiar: none
Bond: Bronze Xintoth
Parents: V1Y6 - Gold Briavieninth+Bronze Eldroth 2nd
Gideon found himself a bit lost in what was to happen.
He'd heard about dragons of course. Everyone knew about them though few
people living in civilised countries had actually seen them. They were
rumoured to live in the more wild areas of Romania. Which is why he should
have stopped to think when a person, a man by the name of Keenan who had
looked quite suspicious now that he thought back on him, had offered to
show him a dragon.
Because now Gideon found himself in a realm he did not know, in an
unspecified time with no way of going back home. At least Keenan had
promised to return him to his home after the hatching. But how long would
that take? And what would his mother say? His dad was a muggle and didn't
know much about the world of wizards but his mother had told him time and
time again about how dangerous is could be. He'd probably get grounded for
weeks after this.
But Gideon's mind wasn't able to keep fretting as a wondrous melody,
created by a lot of dragons humming, vibrated through the cavernous place
where he'd been brought. A lot of people were around and more than a few
looked about as confused as he was. Others looked like this was quite
commonplace. Or at least they acted like it.
Gideon's eyes were drawn to the big golden dragon in the center of the
cavern. She lay crouched around her eggs. And though she looked like she
was very strong, her body language wasn't outright offensive. The eggs
around her were moving and the golden dragon seemed to urge them on.
Finally some cracked open and little dragons popped out, looking wet and
"I could use a pillow."
someone told him.
The next thing Gideon knew, a bronze-coloured dragon stumbled against his
legs and caused them both to crash to the ground.
"You're soft." the dragon
yawned as he lounged on the invisible pillow of air that had prevented
them both from injury, "you may call me

Apparently returning home wasn't for immediately after
the hatching as Gideon had been told he'd need to attend training classes
before he could be let go. Class, school, what else was new? Though being
in a class full of other students and dragons was something new. He'd
always been home schooled and just the sound of the dozen or so attending
students was enough to make him light-headed.
"Don't worry, I'm here."
Xintoth assured him and immediately his mind cleared a bit.
"Thank you." Gideon whispered back and returned to listen to the
course on hand signals they needed to learn.

Seems like returning home had been a temporary thing.
Gideon had visited his mother, but returning with a big dragon that dwarfed
their house meant that staying home was not an option anymore. Still, his
mother being a wizard meant they could at least visit him often. As could
he, though he'd have to leave Xintoth for a while and his dragon seemed to
not be fully comfortable with a great distance between them.
"I can manage." his dragon
assured him, "It's just unsettling to not
have you close by."
"I feel the same." Gideon told him, always missing a piece of
himself when he had tried to teleport back home, "I guess my life is
here now."
"Does that make you sad?"
"It's not what I had in mind to be honest. I wanted to become a
"There is nothing stopping you from still
doing that. Dragons do need care and you have certain advantages with your
"With all the training for flying thread I had nearly forgotten about
that." Gideon admitted, feeling a whole new world opening up.
"Even if you can't train at your home
planet, there are plenty of places where they could teach you in the
nexus. Places that would not be frightened by me."
Gideon perked up at the thought. He was a wizard after all, there was
nothing he couldn't do if he set his mind to it.
"Let's go find a place to study!" he called and practically
stormed out the door of their quarters.

Dragon impressed at Dragonhope
Weyr 11th Pass Giveaway
Background image found long ago with a google search. |