Ippon had been tending his little patch of personal
plants when something unusual caught his eyes. At first he thought some
kind of eel had wandered into his garden and had taken residence in an
iridescent cup he'd found only recently. Upon closer inspection though,
the creature inside of the cup seemed to have spawned from a small
"You're a peculiar plant." Ippon spoke.
He had always been a firm believer of talking to plants to ensure they
felt wanted and appreciated. His magic seemed to work almost unconsciously
while he talked to plants and they always prospered in his presence. As if
reacting to his thoughts, the little critter extended it's head and rubbed
affectionately against his hands. Ippon could see another few leaves pop
"But you are definitely a plant." he added, "Where did you
come from?"
The kelp dragon seedling chirped happily and showed Ippon an image of an
island that he was unfamiliar with. There were also flashes of a weird
snake-like creature with blue flowers that the seedling seemed to refer to
as "Seed-Mother Gudrun".
Ippon was amazed by the intelligence of the little seedling and decided to
move it closer to home so he could keep a close eye on it.
"Are you in Wakame?" Ippon called.
Over the past months, the little plant had grown into a veritable sea
dragon who still retained his distinct florid features. Ippon had started
calling him Wakame and had gradually let him loose in his home and then
later, his garden and the world. At first he'd been frightened that Wakame
might leave him behind, but somehow he always knew where his little plant
companion was hiding.
Wakame answered from the living area and Ippon headed over there to find
the kelp dragon nuzzling some algae. Ippon grinned because he knew just
how good those smelled.
"Thank you for the gift." Wakame sent.
"No problem. I knew you'd like them." Ippon sent back.
Ippon watched as Wakame continued nuzzling and sampling the algae. His
mind once more wandered to the dragon's origins. Where had he come from?
And where there more like him?
Wakame lifted his head and asked:
"Would you like to take a trip?"
A small swirling spot appeared that seemed to pull at it's surroundings.
Ippon extended a hand and then he was off, Wakame right behind him, headed
for who knew where...
One day while still travelling, Wakame
felt that something was amiss. An itchy feeling was spreading between his
leafy appendages and he just couldn't see what was causing it.
"Ippon, would you check to see what's happening
with my skin? Something is irritating it."
Ippon obliged and started lifting the leathery appendages, gliding his
hands across them while feeling for any wounds or gravelly sediments. He'd
done this before but had not bargained for the surprise he got this time.
"Ouch!" he yelled and pulled his hand away, dragging a small shrimp-like
creature along with him. The shrimp was white with red patches. It had
many legs, equipped with claws and two sets of feelers. And it was clearly
sentient as it informed the two men:
"That's no way to treat a lady seeking refuge!"
The sea-elf and the plant dragon looked at each other, trying to decide
what to do next. But before they could say anything, the shrimp dragoness
"You see, I somehow lost my family while
swimming. And now I'm here all alone and I'm far from full grown. But even
if I was, I'd still be too small to make it on my own. I'd just get eaten!
When I spotted these kelps I knew for certain some divine intervention had
sent you my way. Please keep me safe."
"Ehm... okay?" Wakame said, unable to
say no after that sad story.
"I guess you won't give us too much trouble." Ippon shrugged.

Name: Kelpclinger
Gender: Female
Description: Native to the oceans and rivers of the
Spectral Wilds, shrimp
dragons are an exclusively underwater species. They can survive for short
periods of time out of the water, but don't enjoy it and can't breathe
well. They'll return to water as soon as possible.
They're pretty small dragons, 4'-6' long (which is still worryingly large
for a shrimp), and they are primarily omnivorous detritivores, filtering
sediment from the water or scavenging the dead. They reproduce in large
spawns of babies only a few inches long, and a female shrimp dragon may
mate with several males to produce a clutch of many half-siblings. Shrimp
dragons will happily bond, either as hatchlings or adults, but don't have
~Telepathy: the ability to
communicate mind-to-mind
~Complete Vision: the
ability to see in 360 degrees all around them
~Colour Perception: the
ability to see an expanded colour range, including ultraviolet.
Does not grant the ability to describe these colours to others.
~Unerring Navigation: the
ability to find their way to wherever they need to be
~Sound Burst: the ability
to produce loud clicking sounds that can stun enemies
~Swift Swimmer: the
ability to swim very quickly, almost too fast to see, but only for limited
Background images found with google long ago.