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Name: Ichimai
Age: 112
Gender: Female
Description: A pale sea elf female with yellow eyes,
greenish hair and pointy ears. She is usually surrounded by a group of
amphibians (mostly frogs) that she's tamed and trained. She always has
eyes for animals (even those that are not amphibians) and can spot them
from far away.
Skills: Illusion magic (camouflage), amphibian affinity
Hobbies: Playing with her pet amphibians
Family: no full siblings but several half-siblings and
Pets: Many amphibians
Ichimai swam through the shallow waters.
Her toes touched the silt, kicking it up and leaving a dark cloud in her
wake. more than a dozen frogs and salamanders followed her on her outing.
Ichimai glanced around, keeping her keen eyes focused on even the tiniest of
movements. She was looking for more pets to care for. It was like an
addiction to add to her growing group of little friends. Although taking
care of them was pretty low maintenance as she never confined them and they
could easily fend for themselves. But when one was hurt she tended to it and
when they were lonely she played with them - the frequency depended on the
The movement she eventually spotted was far from small. The big displacement
in the water was impossible to overlook and drew Ichimai like a moth to a
flame. It wasn't like this place had big fish, they weren't in the sea or
ocean. Anything of this size had to have wandered in from somewhere else and
Ichimai was curious as to where they could have come from.
The sea elf tried to call out with her mind's voice. others of her tribe had
bonded creatures that could communicate thus. She also called out in the
underwater language of her own kind. But though she thought she heard a
reply, it was not anuthing she could understand. But the frogs behind her
seemed to suddenly become more eager to approach the unknown being.
Apparently it spoke frog. And that only meant that Ichimai was interested in
befriending whatever new creature had wandered here. She put more power in
her swimming and made a straight line toward her new friend who was hiding
in the shallows.
When Ichimai reached her, the bright green with blue and orange amphibious
dragon looked interested. She seemed calm and not ennerved. Ichimai showed
her hands and extended one, waiting to see what would happen.
The dragon hesitated for a little while, but as more and more of Ichimai's
pets swam close and talked to her, she seemed to lose her apprehension and
approached Ichimai's hand.
"Hey there beautiful. Can I call you Paddas?"
Name: Paddas
Gender: Female
Kshau Protectorate (Nexus Forum Giveaway)
Species: Amphibian Dragon
Colour: Green with blue sides and orange feet (Tree Frog Colouring)
Personality: Easily annoyed, missing a sense of humour, Practical
and Logical.
Life Cycle: Their life cycle starts in the water, where females and
males come together generally in groups, fertilizing willy nilly. Eggs are
tended by volunteers, generally younger adults or very old ones. At
hatching, the very soft and somewhat small (ostrich-egg) eggs open to
reveal something akin to those fancy schmancy newts with the tendril
gills. They will spend a few years in this stage, slowly losing the frilly
bits of their skin. As they grow in size, reaching around 30 feet long
total as adults, they lose more and more of their 'membranes' including
the webbing between their toes which becomes more or less useless if they
spend time above ground, though if they remain in and near water much of
their lives, or if they have the parentage for it, they might keep the
webbing. They can live up to 70 or 80 years.
If they are cross bred with another dragon species, the eggs will still be
softer than normal. Preferred non-type are sea-going, amphibian, wingless,
ground burrowers, etc; and cold-blooded dragons (rather than warm
blooded/fur bearing, they prefer hided/scaled).
Habitat & Behaviour: They are almost always found near fresh water
or lightly mixed sea, and do not do well in polluted areas. Since they
have no wings, they're going to be found in the water, on the ground, and
in trees near water. Their tail, while not truly prehensile, does act as a
good rudder and for balance while in trees, and to a small extent can be
used as an extra limb to grasp large things. (they could hold something
with their tail, and manipulate it with their hands.)
They are reasonably intelligent, but would do very well with a
strong-willed bond to tell them what to do, or override their instincts.
They aren't going to be winning any chess contests. However, they are
excellent at sports... They are intensely social, and only the biggest,
oldest ones seem territorial, and even then, those are the ones often
tending the offspring pools, which is a good thing.
They eat anything they can fit their very wide mouths around. They have
wide, sticky tongues, and like frogs can catch things in mid-air. On their
world, (which I haven't determined and might just wind up being nowhere,
it's not important) they tend to feast on huge insects, but anything like
fish, birds, small mammals and other edibles is fair game. They do tend to
try for things that don't sting back, or have lots of bony protrusions, as
that fouls their digestive system a bit. >_> they vent at high velocity.
Speech: They don't have magic, or much in the way of psionics.
However they communicate over great distances using their prodigious
voices. Their lungs, when finally developed, can almost cause damage when
they 'croak'. Their throat has a large extending sack -in both males and
females- which can be used not only to hold unruly food items, but be used
very similarly to a bagpipe's bag. Their songs during breeding seasons are
not to be missed! They don't have "lyrics" but I'm sure the BudWeisEr song
is on their list... ;)
*Long legs allow for leaping improbable great distances
*Toxic: the brighter the more toxic
Background images found with google long ago. |