
Name: Chigusa
Gender: Female
Age: 98
Race: Half Elf
Magic Affinity: Water
Instrument: Stringed instrument (Guitar, Lute,...)
Looks: Chigusa,
like most half-elves, doesn't look her age. Only her white hair bears
testament to the years of experience she has lived. Her skin is fair
without blemishes and pale because of a life spent indoors at the Temple
of the Wave. She has been blind from birth, her smoky eyes not hindering
her since she knows her way around.
Personality: Chigusa is the master priest of
the Wave of Aqua and has born the title for over 2 decades. Befitting such
a position, she is calm, collected and organised. Because of her
blindness, she picks up on small clues easily while talking to others or
even by just being with them in a room. Her perceptive nature, combined
with a caring disposition have made her think of all her initiates,
acolytes and monks as being her children. And she wants the best for all
of them. She carefully considers their assignments and will make time for
them whenever they ask it.
*Water magic: Can influence water
somewhat, this power becomes greater when playing music.
*Perceptive: Gathers lots of information from her 4
remaining senses
Hobbies: Maybe because she's spent such a long
time practicing her craft, Chigusa thinks of her playing as a hobby more
than as a job.
Family: Both her
parents were already quite advanced in age when she was born and they have
since passed on. Chigusa is single and has no desire to marry. Her duty at
the Temple keeps her very busy.
Pets: --
Chigusa had made it a habit to play for the eggs. Their
mother seemed to enjoy it at least, or maybe it was just that she had
something to do other than wait. At times Kouji joined her and they would
talk. The old stubborn priest was as vexing as always but he was the only
one who understood her way of thinking so Chigusa tolerated him. Kouji for
that matter had no-one else to debate with on the properties of magic as
those around them had none. So frustrating as it may be, Chigusa was the
only one who could understand him. Even if the properties of their magic
were different.
One of those days, Kouji could feel the change in the currents around him.
"It's going to be today." he nodded.
"You feel it too?" Chigusa asked.
The water had reacted differently and that had made her wonder. She hadn't
been certain but if Kouji felt it too then it must be true. Only half an
hour later, the call to come went out in earnest. Other candidates joined
them. Then the waiting continued until the eggs were finally ready. A gold
hatched, followed by a red. The colours on these hatchlings were vibrant
if they were far from as elaborately tentacled as their mother. But they'd
been assured that their dragons just needed to mature to develop all their
A little while later a bronze male hatched. Although he was still small,
he moved as if he was three times his size and important. He moved with a
clear goal in mind and Chigusa had the impression that his eyes were on
"You're right."
Creyfth told her, "You and I will be
together from now on."
A green hatched next, she had the colour of grass and seemed just as down
to earth as she moved toward Kouji.
"You could use an extra set of eyes to watch
you." Kwallyth told him, "Luckily I
like that sort of thing."
Returning home with a large hunk of sea dragon was
something Chigusa had never thought she'd have to do. She'd been gone for
too long already though and she'd hae to leave her people without guidance
for such a long time. Creyfth had agreed that he could train on Khleur and
they were transported back to her home by a willing adult dragon.
"I'll show you all of Khleur." Chigusa promised.
"As soon as I'm old enough, I'll show you all of
the Nexus." Creyfth promised.

Gender: Male
Origin: White River Weyr
(Mermay Giveaway 2024
Species: Court-Aquatic
Parents: Green island Court
Yeuldath x Aquatic Dragon Wyrain
Coloured in the yellows and oranges of Bronze, Creyfth looks quite
dashing. His many fins and tentacles seem to glow at all times butare most
noticeable in the dark. The large horns on his nose and the sides of his
head make him look formidable without even trying. As an adult he is fully
capable of flight and can reside both in as outside the water.
Personality: Courageous, Honourable and Integer but with a weakness
to sweets. Quite frankly, Creyfth can be bought (but there are some things
he just won't do, but he'll be tempted).
*Amphibious: Able to swim in the water and walk on the
land and fly in the air. Needs air to breathe however.
*Flight: Can fly with beating wings at adulthood.
*Verbal Speech: Capable of speech from birth.
*Enhanced Senses: Tentacles located on the chin, back,
wings, and tail are quite sensitive to things like movement and vibration
*Telepathy: Capable of speaking with only the mind,
when desired (Pernese descent).
*Teleportation: Capable of instantly moving from one
spot to the next with a clear visual picture or coordinates (Pernese
*Elemental Magic: Can learn elemental magic with
*Water Magic: Most capable with water elemental magic
over other magicks, and will be whether they study the subject of magic,
or not.
*Echolocation: Can navigate in water by using sound.
*Stinging tentacles: Tentacles possess a venom that
cause pain and numbness when touched
Lantessama Isle |