Tressen &
Medium Land Rindi

The Hatching
Tressen followed Sermillion down into the Shadow Cavern. Blue wavey designs reflected from a vast pool that led to the ocean outside. Tressen stopped, already distancing him from Sermillion. After this he would finally be able to make a life for himself. Tressen had plotted, manipulated and undergone all he needed to get here. Ok, here wasn't planned, but it was better than anything else he had thought of. Tressen was convinced that life would be good for him.
Tressen looked at the eggs and gasped. They weren't like eggs at all. They were like orbs of energy he had once seen pictures of in a book. Constantly pulsating they looked rather eery. Tressen looked at Sermillion and didn't like the look in his eyes when he saw the eggs. 
Before Tressen could find out just what he was feeling the hatching started. 
Two winged wonders hatched first. They bonded quickly. The smaller one found a young man not unlike Tressen (though Tressen didn't know what was up with him, he was so silent and distant... almost like he was hiding something) and the bigger found a strange winged man that had a lot of power.
The next to hatch was a land. The creature turned his ears around until he locked in on a sound he liked. Tressen suddenly heard a beating. His heart, but it was too loud to be natural. It drowned out all the other sounds until it was all he could hear.
Only then did the shadowling approach. The beating became louder and suddenly stopped when the dragon was right in front of him, deafening him for a few seconds.
"How about some food for my belly"
"No problem at all." Tressen said leading the land out of the cavern.
"What is your name?" he asked.
"I am Rindi."

Tressen walked around the Island's edge, Rindi closeby hunting for small creatures in the grass. Sermillion had left, vanishing one day without a word. But Tressen was actually relieved about that. After the amulet's influence and bonding that large sea-creature, Tressen had felt a change into the man. He'd always been volatile, but the calm and calculating Sermillion was more dangerous than ever. And he was partly to blame, the power had gone to his own head and he'd been used. Tressen wanted nothing to do with power anymore.
"We need not be dangerous." Rindi told him.
"I know, but a lot of us are. Just yesterday I heard talk about an uprising."
"The dragons won't allow it." Rindi simply stated.
"Still, I'd rather not be here when they start warring." Tressen shuddered.
"I'll keep you safe." Rindi promised.
Tressen could only hope the shadowling spoke the truth. he owed a lot to Lantessama and generally enjoyed living in a place that was open to strangers and didn't mind who his parents had been. But then, some were wary about him having bonded a shadow dragon. 
"Want to take a trip?" he asked Rindi.
"Anywhere we can go." Tressen shrugged, "Just away from strife.

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Lantessama Isle