When strolling
down the -now not so suffocating- plains of the institute Gwendolyn pondered
about her new-found companion. They had a strong connection, stronger than
she had ever experienced before. Strangely this connection made her visions
stronger and more frequent. Maybe that wasn't a blessing since the directors
had been pushing her furter than she wanted to go. But Gweai'Urdi sure made
them a lot nicer to her. The Geperna only had to look in, snort and they
would leave running. They didn't know about their silent conversation
either, Gweai'Urdi always talked normal in front of them so they wouldn't
find out. Gwendolyn chuckled. She wondered how long it would take Mica to
confess this unusual telepathic ability to his employers. She wouldn't blame
him if he did, he was only doing his work.
But the best thing about her Purple Protector was of course her ability to
slide into the Abyss. At least that was how she called it, Gwendolyn called
it teleporting. With Gweai'Urdi around she would never be trapped or stuck!
Her heart made a leap when she thought of all the places she could ask
Gweai'Urdi to go. Not only the places the Geperna had been in, but all the
places Gwendolyn herself had seen in visions, experiences of other people.
But not yet.
Suddenly a thought reached her. A sad thought. Strange. Gweai'Urdi wasn't
the type of being to feel sad when she was in the flowergarden. Rather she
would roll around the grass and look at blooming flowers.
"Why sad, my love?" she asked.
"I am alone and without second."
"I'm sure Miuah'Kyil will want to join you in the
garden." Gwendolyn answered.
"No, not that kind of second. The kind of second
only females can feel."
"Oh!" Gwendolyn said to herself. She considered the desire of her dragon for
a moment and then considered it was a very normal longing. But where could
she go?
"I don't know where we could go."
"Mythicalae still lays in ruin... but there just
has to be a place." the passionate voice of Gweai'Urdi told her.
"I will look for it."
Gwendolyn opened her mind and waited for the visions to enter, using her
bond with Gweai'Urdi as a pathway to others. She found images of lots of
creatures that were called dragons or draks or drakhans, but the images of
Gepernas were scarce and always alone.
"Wait." Gweai'Urdi said and rewinded a bit of the way. She zoomed in closer
and suddenly burst out laughing.
"Gepernas! Lots of them! And I know the place!"
she said happily.
"Where?" Gwendolyn was getting excited.
"The Healing Den."
"Then let's go there."
Miuah'Kyil wants to join us."
Gwendolyn got up and looked around. Gweai'Urdi had left her alone
for a while. Asking Miuah'Kyil to go fly probably. Another few moments later
Miuah'Kyil slid out of the Abyss with Mica on his back.
"What's happening?" he asked.
"A field trip." Gwendolyn said smiling.
"We just can't leave!"
"Oh yes we can. You know you like it." Gwendolyn looked around, "Come before
someone sees us." She grabbed his hand and led him away.
Flying in the Stunt Flight at
the Healing Den
Gwendolyn and Purple Gweai'Urdi