
Name: Mulass
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Description: Mulass is a tanned young woman of average height with a long braid of black hair and brown eyes. She has good endurance as she is used to leading her life on the road. She lacks her partner's muscles but has trained in martial arts to hold her own against burlier opponents. Mulass doesn't believe in keeping secrets, she tells people what she thinks of them but she will adjust her ideas if people prove her wrong. She enjoys staying up at night, loving the quiet solitude of a crackling fire.


Mulass was used to changing scenery, but even she was a bit overwhelmed by the knowledge of intergalactic travel. The nekrats had happily swept her away to another world. And not the one the Dawn Cove residents had told her about. Although her current location was similar, she'd not seen some of the landmarks and there were hardly any nekrats about. Instead the sea dragons here were more draconic in feature, with four limbs and wings.
And that was without mentioning the humans present. Some were rather distinctly alien. Mulass had probably offended quite a few by blurting out stuff like: "hey you're blue!" or "Where do those extra arms connect?" but she'd not intended to be rude per se. As she was still allowed to stay people probably knew. Maybe one of the people she'd sparred with while waiting. They'd seemed like someone in charge.
Each day Mulass went down to the water, hoping to catch the attention of a sea dragon that had hatched. In the end it took her near two weeks to finally meet the one.
The blue dragoness with green, leathery wings and lighter green fins had not hesitated and had approached her quite quickly. Making big splashes she'd then retreated. Only to return and then go back again. Mulass wondered if she was shy. But all the advances seemed to indicate against that.
"Hey!" Mulass finally called, "Would you happen to like me?"
"Very much so! But I've never had to approach a human, it's quite nerve-racking." the dragoness replied.
"Oh, don't worry, just tell me what you think. that seems to work. I'm Mulass, what's your name?"


Returning to Dawn Cove had been a bit of a trial as Feedback could not teleport. They'd had to hitch a ride with a passing nekrat to get to Lantessama and had then been able to go back to Gremyne with one of the locals.
"Now that we're back, I'm going to be doing so much exploring!" Feedback said excitedly.
"There are very nice shorelines across the continent." Mulass agreed, "I wonder how fast we can see them all."
"Want to race? Or maybe slow and steady is better. We want to enjoy it too."
"You're right!" Mulass agreed, getting caught up in the excitement.
"So where to first?"
"I'd say just a lazy trek along the shore of Dawn Cove." Mulass mused.
They'd need to thoroughly get to know their new home first after all.
"It would be nice if I could figure out that teleport thing." Feedback mused.
"Is it something you can even learn?" Mulass wondered, "Maybe it's a skill you need to be born with."
"Not according to the nekrats. They've tried to show me but it's difficult."
"Well practice makes perfect. let me know if I can help in any way."

Name: Feedback
Gender: Female
SpeciesKingdom - Kazee Hybrid
Parents: Eternity x Hullàm
Origin: The Healing Den Swim
Description: Four legs with three fingered and clawed webbed feet; rubbery skin with blubber; three-tined head frill with webbing; pupiled eyes; Note that they are perfectly able to walk on land and will be comfortable with beach, pool-side, grotto, cavern, or other watery areas as homes, and will be able to explore on land easily. Head has a long blunt snout; body has no belly armour; has glide-capable wings suited to heavy water currents and can break a fall from heights only; tall spined back fins with webbing only on mid-back; bare neck and tail
     *Colours: Dark Blue (striped) with Green
     *Adult Size: 35' long
Personality: a High strung, Flippant disposition
     *Sonic Manipulation (6)
     *Deep Swimming (6)
     *Water Reliance (5)
     *Water Sense (5)
     *Biosense (5)
     *Dark Vision (5)
     *Verbal Speech (4)
     *Local Teleport (4) - after being taught ;-)
     *Water Attack (4)
     *Empathy  (3)
     *Echolocation  (3)
     *Telepathy (2)
     *Camouflage  (1)

Story - Intro - Mate

All images found with google
Nekrats impressed at Lantessama Isle