
Name: Arne
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Description: Imposingly tall with a broad chest, muscled arms and shoulders and thighs as hick as tree trunks, Arne usually has no problem keeping his charge safe. Alas the docter he is currently protecting has a knack of getting into danger by just speaking so Arne has had to step up quite a bit more than he's used to. Arne prefers to avoid violence and bloodshed but he can hold his own if necessary. He is more savvy than (book)smart and has good instincts.
Dappled Brown Dog Rika (f) from Twiluu (defunct)


Having heard from Mulass and her experiences on Twoarth, Arne had decided to follow her, leaving Zenoar on Lantessama where he was spending a lot of time with the local healer Zeni. Though Arne was tasked with keeping Zenoar safe, there was little for him to do on an island nation that had it's own decent guard system.
Things were certainly livelier at Twoarth where a lot of people were gathered to try and bond a sea dragon from one of the many clutches. Apparently the eggs had seen quite a long delay but you wouldn't say that from the interest from all over the nexus. Arne had had no clue that so many places were out there.
As he contemplated the events that had led to him being here, a red nose poked him impatiently.
"Pay attention, you should look at me!"
"Excuse me, Qidgeth." Arne smiled, "Let's get you taken care of."

Name: Qidgeth
Gender: Male
SpeciesAquatic Pernese
Parents: Gnodensyith x Lokkith
Origin: The Healing Den Swim
Description: Long legs and a well-proportioned body-neck-tail ratio. Hide skin with granularity (not scales) Four legs with sharp 3-toed paws. Two flight-capable single-fingered wings. Faceted Eyes. Head and Back adornment. Head broad, headknobs, dorsal spikes with connecting webbing, all paws webbed, hind legs finned. Tail Spade. Semi-Aquatic, but cannot breathe under water and has no requirement for it, might walk funny with big webbed feet though
     *Colours: red with brown wings/webbing
     *Adult Size: 70' long
Personality: a Stubborn, Exacting disposition
     *Verbal Speech (6)
     *Empathy (5)

     *Time Port (5)
     *Telepathy (4)
     *Firebreath (4)
     *Can breathe almost anything safely (3)
     *Telekinetics (3)
     *Teleport (3)
     *Genrehop (2)
     *Waterbreath (1)


Qidgeth was starting to get the hang of this game the Nekrats played. They were able to dive deeper than he could and were mostly faster. But then Qidgeth had a few tricks up his sleeve that he'd learned while training. He'd even bested a few of the locals. Soon he'd be ready to chase one in a game that actually mattered.
Determined as the red and brown Acquatic Pernese was, he returned to training. He only had so much time before she would issue her challenge to the single males. He needed to be ready.

Story - Intro - Mate

All images found with google
Nekrats impressed at Lantessama Isle