Gender: Female
Description: A gentle fae with long blond hair,
reddish-brown eyes and white wings which seem to sparkle in the
sunlight. Despite being a fairy, Zoh'mar never tricks anyone. She feels
guilty easily and goes out of her way for others. She often gets taken
advantage of and needs to look out for her herself. But it's difficult
to change who your are.
Abilities: Summer magic (emit heat, increase
Portrait made with Portrait
Gender: Male
Description: A cool fae with long grey hair, icy
blue eyes and blue wings that seems to crackle with ice. Despite being a
fairy, Hi'veyr never rushes into things. He doesn't let his emotions
guide him and always tries to look at things in a logical way. Most
other air faeries regard him as someone who acts strange (and that's
putting it politely)
Abilities: Winter magic (cool down his
surroundings, freeze items,...)
Portrait made with
Portrait Works.
Zoh'mar had had enough. But she was too polite to walk away.
Too gentle to bash the other fae's head in or even just shout back at him.
So she tried to reason with him. Hi'veyr on the other side couldn't believe
why the summer fae in front of him was letting others run all over her. He
had watched as countless other summer fae had taken advantage from her and
he couldn't understand for the life of him, why she hadn't refused to do
whatever it was they asked of her. And so he had come over to try and
lecture her on a better way to behave. Although, he was probably not the
best example a fae could set.
But the more his cool logic chilled the air, the more her warm empathy had
unfrosted it. Although to anyone passing them it seemed like Hi'veyr had the
upper hand, the truth was that the winter faerie felt far from superior. In
fact he was starting to feel like quite the bully. And still Zoh'mar just
listened and reasoned. She told him of the plight of her fellow faeries. How
it was important to relax. Well she sure didn't seem lilke she could relax.
Hi'veyr even got the sneaking suspicion she was telling him to loosen up.
As the hours (yes hours!) dragged on, Zoh'mar had started talking. The two
air elvens had gotten locked in a debate where one side advocated the
superiority of logic while the other side sun praises to feelings. It was a
battle neither would ever win. As the day dragged on both seemed to realise
this but they couldn't stop.
As engrossed as they had been in talking, neither had noticed that they were
no longer in familiar territory. A sea of clouds spread out all around them.
As far as the eye could see there was nothing else. Although, that might not
be true. As a sudden blue streak marred the clouds, leaving a trail of
glitter in it's wake.
The cat-sized fae dragon nearly knocked into the two arguing wind elvens but
was able to slow down just enough. Only to be then driven forward by the
larger orange-pink fae dragon that crashed into him.
"Aha, caught you. You
shan't escape!" Bel called.
"Sorry but I need a
shield." Sky proclaimed.
The fae dragon with the fluffy mane and tail dragged Hi'veyr in front of him
while his wings glowed turqouise. Sky scanned Hi'veyr's wishes but came up
as good as empty. All the winter fae wanted was for the summer fae to care
better for herself.
"You should just tell
her that!" Sky exclaimed and
proceeded in doing just that.
"I did! A thousand times." Hi'veyr sighed.
"You must have done it
wrong." Bel said with disdain as she
grabbed hold of Zoh'mar.
The seductive pride fae dragoness - who was bigger than the male she'd been
chasing - gazed deep into the eyes of the summer fae and commanded her:
"From now on you'll only take orders
after I've agreed with them."
Then she turned to the two males and said: "That's
how you do this!"
Hi'veyr opened his mouth to complain but Sky stopped him:
"You'll never win this arguement,
trust me, it's best to let it go"

Base by
LeviaDraconia, Coloured by Nomi
Name: Sky
Gender: Male
Species: Pride Fae Dragon
Dragon Pact
Description: These guys are very small, about cat sized, but fully
sapient and well aware of the mischief and chaos they leave in their wake.
The main body has extremely short 'peach fuzz' fur (think sphynx cat) while
the mane and tail are long, soft and extremely fluffy. Wing Colours are
based on the original Gilbet Baker flag and come in Full Colour, Muted and
Pastel variants.
*Colour: Blue-Cream
Muted Rainbow
*Size: 9-10 inches at the shoulder
*Clutch Sizes: 4 to 8 eggs
*Hybridize: Easily
*Names: Single Word (ie: Feather, Ruckus,
Personality: Loud and clingy. Sky is never far away
and hardly ever out of sight. The fae dragon enjoys hearing his own voice
and even without using his telepathy, he can convey his emotional state to
any within earshot.
*Verbal Speech
*Minor Sizechanging - may make self slightly smaller or
slightly larger
*Glitter - Leaves a trail of glittering specks when
they fly
Pride Abilities: When using one of these abilities, the colours of
the wings with shift to match the colour of the ability.
*Pink - Sex - Fertility Magic - Increase the fertility
of self or others, increase chance of conception, ect.
*Red - Life - Animate Object - Can bring a small object
to life and have it obey commands for up to 1hr.
*Orange - Healing - Cure Minor Wounds
*Yellow - Sunlight - Can summon up to four floating
balls of light (actual sunlight with regards to ie:
*Green - Nature - Commune with plants, Plant Growth,
Control Plants
*Turquoise - Magic - Innate magic reacts to
*Indigo - Serenity - Aura of Calm - Can activate an
aura of calm that effects those near the dragon
*Violet - Spirit - Spirit Communion - May see and speak
with ghosts and other spirits (Setting dependant)

Base by
LeviaDraconia, Coloured by Nomi
Name: Bel
Gender: Female
Species: Flag Fae Dragon
Dragon Pact
Description: About dog sized, these small dragons are known for their
easy-going, social nature and mischievous tendencies. They can be found
throughout the Nexus, and seem to have no specific homeworld.
Wing Colours are based on any existing pride
flags (anno 2023).
*Colour: Blue-Cream
Muted Rainbow
*Size: 20 to 24
inches at the shoulder
*Clutch Sizes: 4 to 9
*Hybridize: Easily
Personality: Caustic and sultry. Bel is hard to
please and when you don't do as she wishes, she'll let you know (and
possibly the entire world). Luckily this doesn't happen often as she usually
gets her way anyway. This lady knows the right way to play.
*Verbal Speech
*Breath Weapon - Colour Spray
*Bioluminescence - Small glowing spots along the body
and limbs
Background from 1-background.com
Lantessama Isle