
Portrait made with Portrait
Name: Spark
Age: 27 (very young)
Gender: male
Description: boyish and slender, Spark stands out because of his
electric blue hair. He has deep green eyes, a thin straight nose and pointed
ears. His features give away his age and people wonder if he'll ever look
dignified like an elf should (although the electric elves are a pretty
energetic bunch :p)
Personality: Spark is young and prone to being a bit selfish, a bit
fatalistic and a bit whiny.
He will grow up of course, but right now he feels
as if the world turns around him and he's meant for great things - but the
others don't see it like that.
Short Bio: Spark is that one elf that always
goes just a step too far, or is a second too late to escape, or the one
least able to talk their way out of trouble. So Spark gets punished a lot
and that really isn't fair. It's so unfair even that he feels it would be
better to just run (fly) away and never return home again.
Skills: Talented Musician.
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Spark was disappointed
that no-one had come after him. He was starting to wonder if people even
knew he was missing. He'd left in quite a hurry after another lecture about
proper use of resources - or stormed out might be a better term - and had
decided he would never go back.
But now two days later he was alone, hungry and cold. He could take sleeping
outside, but hunting and foraging weren't in his skillset. Now if someone
needed a tune then Spark was their man. But alone in a forest with a
rumbling stomach singing was far from his mind.
Suddenly an orange head popped up in a thicket not far from Spark, startling
him as he'd not heard or seen anything.
"Who might you be?" Perru asked the
strange humanoid who had appeared in his part of the forest.
"Spark." the elf returned, "And you?"
"Perru Meru-Tati. And you look hungry."
"I am, it's been two days since I've eaten." the young elf sulked.
Perru debated the problem and finally caved after a couple of really loud
hunger sounds.
"I'll share some food with you."
"Thank you! You saved me." Spark said, feeling quite overwhelmed with
"Something in return would be appreciated."
the small dragon added.
"How about I sing you a song? That's about all I'm good for."
"I would like that!" Perru grinned since
he liked music.

Name: Perru Meru-Tati
Gender: Male
Species: Chavan Dragon
Origin: Chavan Mountains in the
Spectral Wilds
Description: fairly small, but long and low-slung, generally only
3-5’ feet at the shoulder and 20-35’ long. Covered with thick, curly fur,
and marbled, cloudy markings. Colours are usually bright, there is no rank
associated with colours.
*Colour: Orange
*Height: 4.5’, Length:
*Mammalian: reproduction through litter of
5-10 pups
*Naming Conventions: (name) (4letters
dam)-(4letters sire)
*Bonding: Can't initiate bond, usually
Personality: Inquisitive, Outgoing, Joyful,
*Telepathy: the ability to communicate with their mind.
*Teleportation: the ability to transport themselves,
plus any belongings and passengers
*Telekinesis: the ability to move and manipulate
objects with their minds.
Chavan dragons are especially adept at fine control of small objects with
*Gemstone Creation: the ability to create gemstones,
often similar in colour to the dragon’s fur.
*Gemstone Enchantment: the ability to enchant gemstones
to give them powers (charms, curses).
*Earth Magic: the ability to control the earth,
including stone, metal, etc.
*Regeneration: the ability to rapidly heal wounds,
injuries, and illnesses.
*Psychic Stealth: the ability to become imperceptible
in the minds of others.
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