Name: Rion
Gender: female
Age: young for an elf, around 40
Description: Rion is a slender, long-limbed elf with short
cyan-blue hair, iris-blue eyes and gletsjer-blue translucent wings that
are shaped like dragonfly wings. Like most water elves she is intuitive
and mercurial. It's hard to get a read on her, let alone follow her way
of reasoning. She does what she wants when she thinks of it. Planning is
something she seldom does and looking back to reflect on mistakes is
something that has never even crossed her mind. She lives for the now.
Powers: water-control, teleportation, telepathy
Pets: Lavender female Axolotl Vanya
Dragon: Isi-Khym'Vanya
Rion rushed above the waves. The weather was pleasant, the waves were
interesting and the day was young. Rion was young for an elf and as thus
still had a lot of time to waste and few responsabilities to waste it
on. Life was freedom and freedom was religion.
As a spark of life caught her interest, she lost her current train of
thought and went to investigate. Rion left the deep waters and hovered
above a shallow cove. Someone had hung bottles with water in the trees
and they reflected the light, creating the sparks she'd noticed. Mystery
solved, her attention moved on to the next thing that caught it.
Which was a small sea turtle heading for the sea. Delighted Rion latched
on to it's shield and followed the sea turtle as it dove below the
water's surface and went ever deeper, swerving through colourful coral
reefs, skidding across a sandy trench and weaving through a forest of
seaweed. There the sea turtle seemed to want to rest a bit.
Rion rose back to the water surface, shuddered herself dry with a quick
beat of her wings and decided to try and see how far up she could go.
Fast like a rocket she shot up, straining her wings, laughing with the
joy of effort. When she felt her muscles give up she used her
teleportation to shoot as far as she could go. Up, up, ever higher until
she reached places where the air was cold and thin. How much father
could she go? Keeping her attention a bit longer, she envisioned stars
and winked away, appearing in the night sky of another planet. With no
way of knowing exactly how far she'd gone, Rion abandoned the pursuit
and started to explore the water below.
There was life here. Water-born creatures that seemed sentient and sent
out messages that skidded across her mind. Inquiries, lullabies,
messages not meant for her sensitive mind. Below the night sky, the sea
was very much awake. Though dark and deep, some places shone with
ilumination. Intrigued Rion dove below the surface and was rewarded with
glowing signs, magic light orbs and vast treasure, all guarded by the
creature that owned the errant thought.
She might just stay a while...
Rion flitted about in the pools of moonlight that illuminated just the
upper layer of the darkness below. She would dive into the water but was
wary to try as she felt some big presences close by. All around her
younglings surfaced and found the people they wanted to join. Anf then
suddenly, there was a voice in her head as well.
Hey, Rion, over here! Me! I’m over here!
The light purple youngling splashed and waved at the elf to get her
attention for a moment. Your
wings are shiny! I’m Isi and I won’t let you leave me behind!

Isi-Khym’Vanya, River
Glass Shining
Telepathy, Water Magic, Gravity Manipulation, Sympathetic Link
Stubborn, Diligent
After the hatching, everyone who wanted had been given an egg in stasis.
Rion hadn't been able to resist the temptation to grab one of the smooth
off-white orbs. Though, forgetting about it the next day, it had been
Isi who'd carried the egg. And while the young Wheke Ika grew, he'd kept
the egg close, nursing it until he was old enough to sustain the
creature within.
"I told you I could just take us to a suitable habitat." Rion
But you'd want to leave two days later. This egg is my
responsability and I will decide when it hatches.
"I am interested in what will hatch." Rion said, shifting her
attention back to the egg.
Isi sighed, blowing bubbles into the water and resigned himself to his
companion's lack of attention span. Truth be told he could enjoy the
weird travel patterns and her devil-may-care attitude was quite
liberating. But he just couldn't leave a defenseless creature in her
care. He himself had been quite able to follow her and keep the little
water elf close. After all, he could call her half a galaxy away and
presumably even farther, though he hadn't had to try yet.
Wait and see. Isi whispered and crooned as the egg started
"It's squishy... and pointy... and it has wings." Rion
chittered excitedly.
At least you're interesting enough. Isi nodded his approval.
What shall we name her? he directed to Rion.
"She's got your colours so I'll call her by a part of your name
you're not using. Here Vanya!"
Before Isi could protest that giving a creature your family name
wouldn't be a great name, the little axolotl responded, appearing to
like that name. Isi did consider that they were related and that Vanya
was a good name. And it's not as if they'd be going to a lot of family
gathers anyway.

Rion is a Candidate at planet
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