                           ~ Miserly Sea Dragon ~

Name: Pelkath
Gender: Male
Origin: The Healing Den Swim
Parents: Starry Grey Chishikith (Water Pernese) x Copper Black Ombak (Healing Den Xgen)
Description: Four legs with webbed taloned feet; 2 medium wings with 2 tined fingers; draconic head with back-pointing hooked horns and short peaked neck ridge; belly armor; spaded tail; hide skin*
     Build: Long noodle body high on thin legs, even body size from head to mid-tail.
     Colours: Black and Green
     Size: 36 feet long (A little bit bigger than their siblings)
Personality: a Greedy, Nefarious personality.
Note: will bond for life, choose wisely
     * Weather Magic (6)
     * Air Magic (6)
     * Verbal Speech (5)
     * Teleport (5)
     * Telepathy (4)
     * Genrehop (4)
     * Shift Evolution (2): Hide-type might shift in future generations (feathers, scales, plated,...)


                           ~ The Shy Saint ~

Name: Whossin
Gender: Female
Origin: The Healing Den Swim
Parents: Blue Emaeliass x Vandrin
Description: four legs with 3 clawed toes and webbing; two large leathery wings with one visible finger only along entire leading edge; neck has low fin crest from head to shoulders; eyes have pupils; they are able to breathe air, bearing nostrils and lungs, and only with powers can breathe below water. Head is more beak-like in shape, and has only the crest on neck; forelegs are much broader and tubular; tail is longer and has a spade on the end. Note that her wings, and are suited best to water 'flight' but can fly for short distances or glide with strong winds without the aid of powers due to the slender and weak wing arm. Her wings are of much more use for propelling through water and aiding in exceptionally strong agility in difficult currents. It is possible that her mother's wingless form may appear in offspring if bred to ones without wings
     Colours: Aquamarine (Mottled Aqua)
     Size: 31 feet long (Smaller than their siblings)
Personality: a Shy, Giving personality
     * Magic Sustenance (6) - can consume magic in addition to organic substance for food
     * Breath Weapon (6)
     * Echolocation (4)
     * Dark Vision (4)
     * Flight (3) - They somehow manage to fly with or without wings, but slowly
     * Telepathy (3)
     * Sonic Manipulation (3)
     * Deep Swimming (2)


Pelkath lurked in the deep. Guarding his hoard from any who would threaten it. It was a lonely existence but the sea dragon didn't have friends anyway. Socialising wasn't one of his strong suits. In fact he preferred being alone and counting his coins and trinkets. There was something soothing about seeing all that gold in his little den. He had to cast several Air and Weather magic spells to keep it all in prime condition. The humid, salty atmosphere would otherwise tarnish all the beautiful precious metals. It was quite draining to keep it up, but like training, the burden had grown less over the years.
Still, sometimes, he felt like he was missing something. No fortituous find could dampen this naggling feeling. Because what would happen with his hoard if something were to happen to him? The thought was disquieting. He'd need to think about it, set up some stuff. Pelkath turned around and tried to sleep again. Impulsive decisions were never wise after all...

Whossin saw a faint glimmer in the deep. She never was one to covet sparkly things but she did like to learn about things. Maybe if she found something interesting, it would help those around her. So doing her utter best, she dove deep. She wasn't all too good at swimming in the deep and within minutes she felt the pressure rising. Her lungs and muscles burned. But she was so close. She finally managed to grasp at the glimmer... and proceeded to get sucked into a closed off air bubble.
Inside a dark green water dragon lay sleeping. His tail and talons clutched around gems and coins. Whossin wondered briefly if she should wake the other dragon. But she was far too shy to risk angering another. So she proceeded to tiptoe her way back to the edge of the airbubble, which she now noticed was contained in a cavernous vault of rock. It was a good thing too that it was here. She might not have survived otherwise.
Alas, Whossin found no way to get back outside. The force of the water kept her inside. With nothing else to do, Whossin tucked her tail beneath her neck and went to nap herself...

Pelkath awoke to the sight of an intruder. Raging, he aproached, ready to slice her with his talons. But his presence must have woke her up as the light blue dragoness opened her eyes and gazed sleepily up at him.
"Oh good you're awake." Whossin sighed, "I'm sorry but I got sucked in."
She stretched and let her eyes go over the impressive mountain of bling. But all of that paled in comparison to the ingenuity of the bubble. Clearly it was magic and not some random natural anomaly.
Pelkath observed the dragoness and relaxed slightly when she stepped away from his treasures.
"What were you doing here?" he asked gruffly.
"I saw a little glimmer below and came to investigate."
"I'll need to hide better."
Pelkath commenced at dragging more gems and pieces to the back of the cavern. After a little while, Whossin proceeded to help as was in her nature. Pelkath decided the help was welcome and didn't comment. He added a little magic to the bubble, making certain the both of them would have enough air. Whossin looked awestruck. Maybe it wasn't so bad to have a companion who looked at you like that... definitely as they clearly did not feel interested in his treasure...

Lantessama Isle