Ezryn & Evmasth

Name: Ezryn
Gender: Female gender shifter (can only shift under a full moon)
SpeciesGlenn Water - Aquatic Pernese Hybrid
Parents: Ezust x Elnök
Origin: The Healing Den Swim
Description: scaled skin with protective blubber underneath; four legs with 3 digits, clawed, webbed; two stiff 3-tined wings; head fins on sides of face; pupiled eyes; dorsal ridge fin wave shaped from head tot tailtip, tail spade jagged; capable of both land and water locomotion easily (not hindered by body shape/limb configuration). head equine shape, fins and neck ridge supported by structure; forelegs have small web between elbow and body increasing mobility in water, hind toes very long for powerful propulsion, hind heels webbed; wings are long enough to support gliding for short distances only*;
*flight possible and improved with telekinetic power if present;
     *Colours: cobalt blue with silver wings & webbing
     *Ratio: 1: 4: 4.5 ratio (low noodle, very muscular)

     *Adult Size: 48' long
Personality: a Loyal, Sensitive disposition
     *Telekinesis (6)
     *Flight (6)
     *Teleport (5)
     *Water Reliance (5)
     *Water Breathweapon (4)
     *Can communicate with almost anything (4)
     *Telepathy (3)
     *Ice Manipulation (3)
     *Deep Adaptation (2)
     *Shield (2)
     *Water Manipulation (2)
     *Genrehop (1)


Name: Evmasth
Gender: Visibly Male (can both bear and sire young)
SpeciesAquatic Pernese
Parents: Gnodensyith x Lokkith
Origin: The Healing Den Swim
Description: Long legs and a well-proportioned body-neck-tail ratio. Hide skin with granularity (not scales) Four legs with sharp 3-toed paws. Two flight-capable single-fingered wings. Faceted Eyes. Head equine, horns, sharp dorsal spikes from head to upper tail, all feet finned/webbed, hind feet large, wing backs solid, tail spade jagged. Tail Spade. Semi-Aquatic, but cannot breathe under water and has no requirement for it, might walk funny with big webbed feet though
     *Colours: white with indigo wings/webbing
     *Adult Size: 40' long
Personality: a Shy, Steadfast personality
     *Empathy+ (6)

     *Teleport (6)
     *Waterbreath (Spray)/Power (5)
     *Time Port (4)
     *Telepathy (4)
     *Firebreath (3)
     *Offspring spend a long time in eggs (3)
     *Verbal Speech (2)
     *Genrehop (2)
     *Telekinetics (1)


Choosing a bond is not that easy. There are trillions of people in the galaxy and just a few dozens are present when you crawl out of your egg. Luckily both Ekharia and Ezryn were of a type of dragon that could delay bonding. But they would need care to grow. Not too much, just enough to keep them safe, fed and healthy. The people at Twoarth had just the thing for dragons like them. A master list of Nexus places that could help.
"Let's send these two to Lantessama Isle." Kitty said and noted it down for their records.
Ezryn decided to stay closer to the large continent on Syl'Neriss. The Icelanders would keep an eye on her and as there was at least one Glenn dragon rider among them, she found herself quite welcome and understood. She had no problem talking with the different dragons, both air and seaborn. But none sparked in her that sensation of rightness that she'd heard tell about from those that had bonded. For now she'd stay here, but maybe one day, she'd venture out again to look for her mate.
When she was mature enough to take care of herself, but not yet old enough to be considered adult, Ezryn started to long for a companion. None had come to claim her so maybe it was time that she went out in search of her mate. She was a one-dragon kind of girl and felt like she would know when The One crossed her path. She was fast and agile and though she could not leave the water for long, it would not hinder her search as she figured her chances were best with a sea dragon like herself.
So Ezryn traversed the seas of several planets, in the end returning to her own birth place. It was there that she lingered. There was a clutch. Trillions of people, but oftentimes the right people were brought to stand for clutches. She should trust her luck and try. Nothing would change if her mate didn't hatch. She'd find them eventually.
But swimming in the water, Ezryn found a mittor image of herself. All glossy white hide with dark blue webbing, fins and wingsails. Able to fly but also swim. His rainbow-coloured eyes darted around before he shyly made eye-contact.
"Evmasth." she tasted his name.
"Ezryn." he returned cautiously and with a feeble thread of hunger.
"Come." she urged, and led him to where she knew the hunting was good.
She wasn't that much older than Evmasth, but Ezryn would care for him until he too could take care of himself. And then they would care for each other. Already they were very similar. Quiet and steady, young but knowing what they wanted in life. There was not much need for words between them.

Lantessama Isle
Background from 1-background.com