And if
the wind don't catch you, I will, I will
If the wind's not there, I'm here
Name: Delphi
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Species: Dolphin Shifter
Description: Delphi is a
tall, slender girl with long platinum blond hair and deep blue eyes. She
is a dolphin-shifter, a mythical creature that is bound to the ocean for
survival, but drawn to the world of humans and all the dangers it
Personality: Delphi is a young woman, having just experienced her
first true love, she is perturbed. She is at a crossroads in her life
and will have to chose between the cold certainty of life in the ocean
or risk it all for a new life on land. Will she burn her bridges? Cut
her bounds? Or will she retreat into the deep? She's struggling to find
out who she is and what actually matters. Signs of a stubborn yet
compassionate and level-headed woman are waiting to emerge from inside
the gullible, innocent girl that she is at present
- Shapeshifting: full or partial
- Great Lung Capacity: can stay underwater for
prolongued periods of time
Name: Bryan
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Bryan is not very noticeable. He is neither
tall nor short. He has short brown hair and pale green-brown eyes. He
usually wears a leather jacket that was a gift from his grandfather. He
displays a number of tics that he himself finds awkward but aren't as
bad as he fears.
Personality: Bryan has a romantic soul, a kind heart and an open
mind that allows him to glimpse the magic in the world. His sensitive
social skills allow him to pick up on small gestures and accents that
tell him people are hiding something, but alas his awkwardness means
that he does not always respond in the right way. He has difficulty
deciding whether or not to intervene when he notices something. He is
wary of others' opinions of him and hardly ever shows his true self.
- Keen Observer
- Good Swimmer (he'll have to be at least) |

1. The Morning After
Bryan woke up and found the bed sheets cold. Delphi was gone. Bryan cursed when he let this information seep into his mind. He got up and looked around his room. Light streamed in through the open window, the off-white curtains slapping gently in the breeze. Last night that window hadn't been open.
Last night... Bryan sighed, the first night they had made love. Months he had taken to court Delphi. He had loved her from the moment he saw her walking across the beach, the light seeming to engulf her in a blaze of glory.
He had stopped breathing, following her with his eyes and she had looked back. If he was any kind of regular Californian beach boy he would have followed her right away and spend one night of flaming passion. But not Bryan.
And last night it had finally happened. He had known that sjhe was the girl for him. Funny maybe since he knew nothing about her. That wasn't true, he knew what kind of food she liked, that she loved anything blue and that she couldn't drink much alcohol before going giggly. But the truely important things, her secrets and philosophies he knew nothing about.
And he knew Delphi had a secret. Sometimes she looked so sad, as if she remembered another life, a better life maybe. Bryan knew little of Delphi's past before he had met her. Sometimes he fantasized that she was in the witness protection programm and that someone was out to kill her. Which was of course why she could not tell him what had happened to her before.
In reality Bryan couldn't care less about the history of Delphi as long as she would consider spending the future with him. But having her leave so sudden, not knowing where she lived - one of those other small things that had made him wonder briefly - scared him.
And then he saw the note.
Bryan, I'm truely sorry.
You'll never see me again because i can't risk putting you in danger. I can't risk anyone anymore. It's probably best if I leave forever. Don't come looking for me, you won't find me anyway.
An icy cold feeling crept into Bryan's chest. The way the words were written down, the wet circular patterns at the top. Delphi had been crying. He had felt a change in her last night, more of the sadness that seemed to hang around her.
Leave forever... not anyone. It was all so final. Maybe he had not read enough in her sadness. Running out, he hoped he was not too late to find her.

2. Burning Bridges
Delphi walked on the bridge, feeling the wind in her back. Once again she was here. She always ended up here. On the bridge, ready to jump off. This time however, she had wanted it to end up differently.
Delphi was a dolphin-shifter. That not only meant that she could not ever swim in a public swimming pool without causing some commotion, but also that she could not live long outside the water. Staying out an entire evening had been risky and she felt the heat of the day tear at her flesh. Staying out much longer would mean her dead.
And yet she hesitated. Bryan had been different than all the other men she had been with. With most she had gotten bored in a day, a week at most. But not he. For the first time love had touched her heart and it hurt now to tear it away.
"Cold is the sea." she sneered at the waves below her. She had lived long, years, in the cold water, only coming up every now and again when she felt like playing, when she wanted a quick adventure. Always had her heart yearned for the sea after a few days, but now the sea was colder than it had ever been.
"What I did was right." she told herself and her head believed her, but her heart fought back the thoughts. She could not stay, her mind argued, she would die and that would cause more troubles.
Taking a deep breath, she prepared to jump. It was the only way.

3. The Fall
Bryan saw her on the bridge, legs slightly apart, arms extended, her platinum blond hair flowing in the wind. She stood there silently, as if she was enjoying herself. For a moment Bryan relaxed, maybe he was reading too much in the note.
Then she arched backward and dove. Running, he saw her fall, an endless descent into the waves several stories below. She did not come back up. Bryan searched his memory, had he ever seen her swim? No he hadn't, not once.
"She can't swim!" he called out, hoping someone would call 911 before he too jumped into the water. The fall seemed to take forever, the water growing more bright as he came nearer. And then he breeched the surface, diving under.
Frantically, Bryan searched. He came back up for air, dove back down and repeated the whole series of actions again. And again, and again. He did not find her, so again he dove deeper, searched the seaweed for Delphi. Time was running out he knew, if she still hadn't surfaced her body would be getting low on oxygen. At the thought of air, his lungs started burning. He needed to go up.
Pulling himself upwarth his feet got caught into the seaweed. Pulling, Bryan started panicking. His vision clouded and he knew he would probably not hold on much longer.
A dark shape appeared at the edge of his vision, but Bryan could not hold on to his conscious. Giving in, he felt his legs coming loose and the upward drift of the current get a hold on him.
Delphi pushed Bryan to the surface, trying to get him onto land as fast as she could. She knew a beach not far away that was not loved with the tourists because of it's rocks and large population of crabs. She wasn't fond of it either, but it would have to do.
She pushed him on the beach and then shoved herself out, feeling the change of her body take place. Soon she was a human again, laying on the beach, trying to get up, to get her body, hardly used to her dolphin form again, back to knowing how to walk, breath and see.
"Bryan!" she called, crawling toward him.
He was breathing, but shallowy, not responding to her hands when she tried to wake him up. "You should not have followed me. I did not want you to get hurt, that was why I left."
Crying she laid her head on his chest, trying to hear his heart beat, "If only we could live together, but where could we? We would never be safe."
"Delphi?" Bryan asked, finally coming to.
"Are you alirght?"
"I feel as if I've swallowed down half the ocean." he said, coughing up some more sea water, "But I think i'll live."
"That's good." she said, taking a bit more distance again.
"Were you the one that saved me?" he asked.
"In a way." she said, hesitating if she should say more. If he did not remember anything, maybe she could leave again without him being anything the wiser.
"It was you, but not you. I felt you in my back. I saw you. A dolphin..."
He knew. With wide eyes Delphi waited for the screaming to start, for him to push her away in disgust. People never reacted positive to the stranger creatures that lived on the Earth. Mostly they just killed them and called them legend to forget about the murders.
But to her surprise, Bryan just hugged her. "I thought I had lost you."
"You're not going to make a problem out of this?"
"This slightly complicates matters..." he answered, "But it doesn't change who you are, right?"
"And who am I?"
"The woman I love."
"Living here won't be easy." she said.
"Then maybe we should look to other options." Bryan answered, "I must admit that I have not been honest either." he blushed, "But I thought I had let that part of my live behind. You see I was not born on this planet. My parents came from another planet, I left the place because I wanted to taste this life too. But weirdness seems to find me wherever I go." he smiled, "Maybe it's time to go back."
"How do you suppose we get there? Do you have a space ship tucked away in your pants?"
"Better, I can contact my parents. They'll come get me."
"With a spaceship?"
"Why does everyone hear see aliens coming with spaceships? Really, there are other means of transport, like dragons."
"Yeah, that is one part of the weirdness I hoped to get away from, but really, a life without them is kind of dull."

4. The Healing Den
continues of the story will have Bryan showing Delphi the healing den, finding them a home near water and discussing the possibility of kids. Seeing as they don't know if it is an option they'll opt for adoption ^_^ namely one
(or two if permitted) of the swim human-dragons.
Lantessama Isle
This is a Candidacy Page for
The Healing Den Swim
Lyrics from 'Parachute' by Something Happens |