
Name: Charentaiss
Gender: Male
Species: Xenomelon
Origin: Summer Brunch Giveaway '24 (Dray's
Adoptions -
Hive Residents)
Parents: Dark Chocolate-Cherry Xenobun Queen
x Watermelon Fruit Dragon
Description: Xenomelons are Fruit Dragon hybrids, part vegetable,
part... animal?? and most of the way edible. They can be grown or hatched
from very round eggs, and there's stories of very rare, perfectly cuboid
variants out there in the wild, possibly grown in perfectly cuboid hive
cells. Usually quite staid; they like to put down roots inside or near a
hive and provide illumination for their compatriots. They are sapient but
more like a Wher than a true dragon. Warriors, praetorians, and queens verge
closer to true sentience.
Colour: White Chocolate-Canteloupe Scout
Size: 4'
Alignment: Forgettable Good
Personality: Subtle, Soft, Sporting
*Acid Immunity
*Acid Blood (Citric: non-lethal but sour)
*Mindstream Communication
*Resin Secretion (kind of fruity)
*Wall Climbing
*Mild Musk (overrules other pheremones and scent
markers, disrupting others who track by scent)
*True Sight (can see in darkness and sense invisible or
other magically/unnaturally hidden items.)
Charentaiss landed in unfamiliar territory. He must have stepped in some
kind of trap or long-forgotten portal and had been transported from home to
here. There could have been worse things. Charentaiss wasn't one to panic.
He was a scout to a great hive. He might as well do his job and see if it
would be worth to set up camp in this new place. He might not be able to
return, but others could follow.
Looking around, the rough-textured round Xenomelon found grass as soft as
silk and flowers as bright as a summer day. There was ample light and enough
trees and tunnels for shade. The wind was gentle and the available prey
Taking up residence in a dark, natural cave, Charentaiss lay in wait.
To be continued.
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