
image made with Portrait
Name: Harila
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Description: Harila is a woman with curves. She is heavyset and
tall with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She has almond-shaped eyes, a
long, narrow nose and a large mouth. Though her main art is playing music,
she can hold her own as a singer. Harila dresses for flair, usually in
bright colours and the unpractical white that make her stand out.
Personality: Whimsical and funny, Harila enjoys music with a lot of
frills and embellishments. This love of extra translates to her choice of
dress and her way with words. Harila likes to talk and she is not shy. She
is easy enough to persuade when the reward (or prestige) is right and
won't give patrons a hard time when they request a composition.
* Composing songs
* Playing music
(especially stringed instruments)
Harila ran her fingers across the strings of her small lyre. Dressed as
befitted one of the many musicians attracted to entertain Traakan
Dragonry, she looked splendid. All sparkling white and bright blue,
studded with gems and with many tassles, she'd joked that she was at real
risk of losing her marbles. And the events at the dragonry had proved to
be maddening. Harila had needed to rush more than once a day to reach her
designated podia at the right time. She'd played at dinners but also in
squares and today she had been asked to play at a hatching.
And she wasn't the only one. Several other musicians were present, each
claiming a corner and respectfully agreeing to use the same key so as not
to startle the audience with dissonant sounds. At the same time actors,
poets, writers, singers, painters, mimes, acrobats and just about every
street performer imaginable was also present. More than was warranted to
But then it soon became clear that they would not just be entertaining
humans. The hatchlings born clearly appreciated the artists and more than
one needed to stop performing as a hatchling bonded them.
Harila knew at once when it happened to her. There was a presence, a
feeling, something akin to joy, excitement but also bearing a heavy
weight. When she looked up, she stared into the deep blue eyes of a
turquoise and blue dragoness. Her bright white face with it's red markings
contrasted heavily and gave her a peculiar perceptive appearance.
"Go on, play!" the hatchling urged.
"Wouldn't you like to eat first?" Harila asked.
The dragoness, Aomi, seemed to be at war with ehrself until her belly let
out a loud rumble and she had to agree to go eat. Afterwards, Aomi was
unsurprisingly tired and she fell asleep listening to Harila's lullaby.

Name: Aomi
Gender: Female
Species: Fantail Dragon
Colour: Turquoise and Blue
Pattern: Tatewaku
Size: 5-7ft at the shoulder
Traakan Dragonry
Personality: Headstrong, Meddlesome and Empathic
*Verbal Speech
*Winged Flight
*Shapeshifting (humanoid) (only some lineages have this
Lashing her tail as a drumstick, Aomi alleviated her irritation.
"What's wrong?" Harila asked.
She was writing a new piece of music but the thoughts of her bond
filtering in made the soothing piece turn frantic at every other bar.
"They're going about this all wrong!" Aomi
Harila sighed. Aomi had been lost in a piece of popular writing that told
the love story of two humans from feuding families.
"The writer is making them act that way to vex the readers. Don't let it
get to you." Harila urged.
"Why all this talking? All you need is to make
certain your mate is strong. A good mating flight tells you all you need."
"So you would propose the writer to have the boys hold a race?"
"Well yeah. Or a set of challenges! I always like
those stories!"
Harila laughed: "So what would your suitors need to do?"
"I'd have to think about that...."
Lantessama Isle