Nebula Dreaming

Portrait made with Portrait Works

Name: Ug'ha
Age: Teen (19)
Gender: Hermaphrodite, identifies as non binary, oriėntation: asexual (spiritual training)

Description & Personality: Ug'ha has a deep olive-green skin, rather small ears that stand away from his head and thin lips. He has delicate eyebrows, an uncommon trait in his part of the galaxy, that frame intelligent eyes and give him a brooding, crochety look. Uh'ga is quite sharp and will pick up on body language easily. He won't keep quiet about what he notices either and often comes across as brazen or unnecessary rude. People usually stare at him because of eyebrows anyway, he might as well give them a piece of his mind. 
Skills: Tech-mind: While meditating, Uh'ga can enter cyberspace and rewrite code. 
Hobbies: Studying, thinking and some occasional hacking for sport.
Studying: Spiritual studies, training to become a monk.

Family: Ug'ha hasn't had much contact with his family after he started studying, he doesn't mind since he suspects his parents would rather not have him too close anyway.  
Social Life: Non existent (maybe going out to discuss religious matters with fellow students but that's about it) 
Pets: --






 ><>< STORY ><><
< Kay'dee >< Ug'ha >< Wi'oks >< Xi'pi


Lantessama Isle
Background images from Deitydiva