
Portrait made with Portrait Works

Name: Jolene
Gender: Female
Age: 25

Description: Her beauty is beyond compare, with flaming locks of auburn hair, with ivory skin and eyes of emerald green. Her smile is like a breath of spring, her voice is soft like summer rain. No-one can compete with her, Jolene. Like a true Southern lady, Jolene knows how to act gracefully and how to present herself to others. Men cannot help but stare after her while women tend to instantly be intimidated.
Personality: Spoiled from a young age, Jolene has gotten used to getting what she wants. She won't go out of her way to steal that which belongs to others but it is often how things turn out. Jolene has gotten her fair share of women begging her to leave their men alone but was she truely at fault when those men came to her willingly? Jolene is not one to worry about what others think of her.
Special Skills/Powers:
     *Charm: is it a curse or a boon? Either way, no-one will miss Jolene passing through


"Jolene, I'm begging you: please don't take my man! Please don't take him just because you can."
The plea had been uttered enough to have become like a chant. Jolene tried to block out the desperate woman that was causing a scene outside but it was not easy. Her voice seemed to grow ever louder.
"You could have your choice of men but I could never love again. Please. Jolene. He's the only one for me."
Jolene had no clue who the woman's husband was. As far as she knew there had been no gentleman trying to gain her favour. But of course plenty of men had talked to her. Some women too for that matter. She'd received welcome gifts and the warmth that a small town offered. Everyone had seemed so genteel in this small community and she'd hoped that this time she'd found a home. But sadly it seemed like the usual problems had followed her.
Jolene had tried living in towns, cities and even a metropole. The charming lady had travelled the globe and had visited the satellite states that were orbiting it. But none had proven to be a place that she could call home.
So Jolene packed her bags and set her sights to places even further away. Without looking back, she headed for the spaceport and boarded the first shuttle out. Who knew where she was headed. Who cared? She'd search for a place where she could be herself in peace and then look back on this time of her life and decide things had changed for the better. She couldn't wait.



??? hatched at ???




Lantessama Isle
Background image from