The Laedrys

Name Cyan

Age 35
Gender Female
Keywords Upfront, Whirlwind Thinker and Plant Lover.
Quote "Need more plants... no, need more greenhouse."
Appearance Cyan has shoulder-long wavy copper blonde hair she usually keeps loose or in a simple pony tail. She has bright blue eyes that give her a calm and trustworthy appearance, which she uses fully when working in the hospital. 
Doll made at Elouai's Candybar doll maker - Portrait made with Portrait Workshop
Personality Cyan can be a real whirlwind when it comes to thinking, occasionally coming up with so many new ideas she sometimes just has to relax herself with gardening. Ironically, she came up with plant dragons while gardening. 
Cyan is friendly but direct. She will listen to people but directs the conversation so she gets the information she needs without too much unnecessary details.  
Family Married to Laedrys Lucas (35), Sister to Laedrys Trix (37)
Short Bio Laedrys Cyan grew up on Syldan, a planet that was sucked into the Elsewhere long before Syl'Neriss ever was. Syldan was inhabited at the time and managed to keep from being devoured when the humans and dragons formed a pact to fight the common enemy together. As the pact proved to be very successful, plans were made to save other similar worlds from the dark fate of the Elsewhere. 
When Syl'Neriss with Lantessama and Gineya Isle and it's rich sea life was discovered, Cyan and Trix volunteered with their respective partners to create a second safe haven in the Elsewhere. 
That was 10 years ago and Lantessama has since grown considerably. 
Homeworld Syldan
Tasks Hospital ward and Herb garden, taking care of the Greenhouse, Guarding the island (those little plant dragons get around a lot without being noticed). 
Hobbies Gardening, creating new plant dragon species, guarding the island
Pets Gold Firelizard Draki (f) and Cocktail Dragons Cahach Rode (m), Raspberry Purple (m)

The Dragon

Name Zaranyt
Gender Female
Appearance A soft red dragoness.
Zaranyt hatched as a warm-golden sun dragoness but her skin has turned to a more reddish hue since the magic of the gem dragons hit the Island. 
Personality Though fully grown Zaranyt hasn't lost her fondness of fun and games. She can be easily challenged into a quick race around the island or something equally fun and pointless.