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Name: Alan
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Description: Alan is a tanned human male with long black hair he keeps braided. He has wary grey eyes, a thin nose, a moustache and a small beard. Alan is of average build and height. He has trained mostly for stamina and not for brute strength. He prefers to wear layers he can easily adjust when temperature shifts and usually carries some handy tools and equipment for urgent repairs. 
Personality: Alan is a practical man. He does not like being surprised and is someone who has both a plan and a backup (or two) for when things go south. He is sturdy and dependable and someone who will aim to get everyone back home safe. He believes there is no greater worth than a person's life and will not hesitate to sacrifice equipment/goods/items to save another. He's a quiet fellow with a hidden side to him that has him enjoy poetry and songs. He has a keen eye, both for tracking, hunting but also for spotting books and people.
Family/Bio: Alan grew up in a small hunting settlement. When he matured he left his home behind and became a wanderer. He has seen a lot, knows his way around any forest and is a keen survivalist. He happened to be around when WindChill recruited and he has agreed to help set up the settlement. How long he'll stay is anyone's guess.
Pets: -- 
Drak: ?? from Icehearth


The day had been like any other at WindChill. Alan had established an easy routine over the past months of work and leisure. He was friendly to the other humans, fae and draks but had not gotten too close to them. No-one really knew him. But none pushed since he wasn't offering. Alan himself sometimes wondered if some of the others were worth befriending. He'd been a part of plenty of communities and -without bragging- had a good idea of what made people tick. Which is why he'd stayed as long as he had. This place was pretty open and accepting and the leaders were neither too trusting nor too strict. Freedom and responsibility were given to those who had earned it and both rewards and punishments were well balanced. Not that Alan had had experience with either. He'd mostly kept below radar.
Which is why it was strange to arrive at his quarters and find a summons there. Apparently Sunspark Reflection, WindChill's leader, had some business with him and he was asked to come to the central buildings that were used as gathering places. Outside he encountered Impressionante, one of the draks who also lived in the settlement. They greeted each other and waited a few moments until Sunspark invited them inside. The meeting room felt calm and understated. Pale silver walls were accented by jeweltone sheer curtains that held just a hint of sparkle. Indirect lighting gave the place a more magical feel. High ceilings and the broad walkway meant that Alan felt small and humble, even if he knew it was a necessity to accomodate the draks. A large wooden table stood at one end of the room and comfortable chairs stood around it, waiting to be used. Refreshments were on the table and Moonbeam, who was Sunsparkle Reflection's significant other, gave them a smile and a small nod before she exited.
"Thank you for coming." Sunsparkle greeted them.
"Greetings." Alan said.
"It's always good to see you." Impressionante said.
Sunsparkle told them of his plans to grow the community and to create ties to the other fae-drak settlement called Icehearth. WindChill would not be set up as a Castle in the traditional sense of the word. It could not easily be reached but they would at one point need others to help support the settlement. They could not delude themselves that remaining self-sustainable was a possibility. Sunsparkle ended his proposal with:
"So what are your thoughts?"
"I can understand a hunter being sent out to something called a Wyld Hunt, but why me?" Impressionante asked.
To Alan this seemed like a redundant question. He might be a hunter but he had no experience hunting draks. They were far smarter than game and would be less agitated than criminals. Besides, they could fly so all his racking skills might amount to nothing anyway. So he answered:
"Well, we're hunting draks, who would better understand them than one of their own?"
The Dawn drak seemed to consider her choices for a while. Alan himself did the same. He had not intended to leave WindChill just yet, but then he would probably return later. And being sent as an envoy to Icehearth might give him some extra weight in the long run if he ever decided to stay there.
"Will you go?" Sunspark asked.
Alan figured there were no disadvantages to accepting so he nodded.





?? joined the Hail Armada as Knights (Intel/Hunting)
Mate: ??


Intro - Lantessama Isle
Background from Deaimon Anime