Welcome to the Deep Caverns
1. Please have a webpage ready before applying for a drak. This page can consist of a (detailed) stats page, can contain a story of how your aspirant came to Chindor or it may be a future residence for an unpaired drak (sponsor).
2. Please have a link back to
Wo Yao Fei Castle: http://lantessama.com/Icarus/WYF
3. Your aspirant has to be the equivalent of at least 15 years old. Keep in mind taking care of a drak is a lot of work so don't overdo it on the pets/workload.
4. The name of your drak is chosen by it's mother and therefor can not be changed. You can suggest the first letter, or if you know the naming system on Icarus you can suggest a name.
5. Draks pair to the aspirant they feel is right for them in character, there are no gender restrictions
so males can pair female and vice versa. Sometimes a drak will not pair, so sponsoring is available.
Drakling and adult images need to be saved to your own harddrive and uploaded on your aspirant's page. Flipping and resizing are allowed. If you want a different set, please state so in the comments section.
Possibilities: Acicade - Chindor - Dawn - DesCas - Savannah - Wilgen - (Wo Yao Fei). 
7. Updates will be posted on the Nexus  Discord. Let me know if you want seperate e-mails
and I'll contact you through that medium.
8. If your drak participates in a flight outside Icarus please
let me know me so I can add it to the Genealogy.

Your name:

E-mail/Discord Handle:

Aspirant's Name

Aspirant's Gender

Aspirant's Home

What type of drak would you like?
