The Armadas

The armadas are all very colourful and fun to be in. Dawn Castle has 4 different armadas named all in the old language that was once known as Dutch.

Maan Armada
Armada of the very beginning
This is the armada with the High Princes and other management.

Zonne Armada
Dawn's Pride Armada
This Armada is a large armada that contains 3 groups:
 The scouts that patrol the perimeter, 
The guards that guard the Castle
The fighters that respond to the threats the scouts find

Sterre Armada
Armada of mis professions
In this armada you can find the knights that have duties in or around
Dawn Castle, here'll you'll find the judges, medics etc.

Bijl Armada
Not really an armada
Dawn Castle is located on an isle, therefore, it was once a victim of pirates.
 High Prince Raf decided that those "loving and caring" (his words) pirates
 should be enlisted in an armada of their own.