2: "Shards! We're Lost"
Axelle was just a tiny bit
nervous. She knew where the wher-kennels were at Dawn Watch Weyr,
but she hadn't actually been there. On occasion people were allowed
to visit the weyr and the dragonriders came to town often enough. But
they hadn't exactly made friendly with the daughter of a lowly
food-stall owner. But not like she could tell Adamo that.
Devron seemed to keep very quiet while his brother was talking
non-stop. She couldn't exactl say that Adamo was annoying, he was
indeed quite charming and a good conversationalist... but he just
tried to infuriate her every chance he got. No doubt trying to make
her either cry or explode. Well, she'd do neither.
They trudged on around the lake, heading for the mountain caldera
that marked the Weyr territory. Adamo was very much interested in
what they would see; He had seen Whers before, but only from a
distance as the dragon-kin were trained to be loyal to one person or
It'd been a while since he had allowed himself to dream about being
a dragonrider. As a younger boy he had done that quite often,
believing a valiant dragon would descend from the heavens to search
him and whisk him away to a Weyr to impress a dragon. He'd played
dragonriders with his friends until all of them had grown up enough
to realize that dragons wouldn't see much in brats. He was already
18 and would need to take up a trade soon. Moving to a new hold had
extended the time he was allowed to make a choice. No doubt he'd go
along with his father and become a fisherman himself. A life he
wasn't particularly aspiring to have. At least he had the freedom to
choose a girl to wed. Though not all of the girls he fancied would
want to become a fisherman's wife.
Devron, meanwhile was trying not to slip or fall or generally
embarrass himself. Being next to his brother made him feel so
inadequate, although he was happy that Axelle didn't fall for
Adamo's charms. That meant he might just be able to become her
friend and keep her as a friend. Other girls Adamo had dated had
never talked to him after they'd broken up with his brother. Some
had been mean-spirited, but others had been friendly.
"We need to leave the path here." Axelle said.
She held some branches out of the way and led the boys deeper in the
"Where are we going?" Devron asked.
"The Wher kennel is located at te edge of the weyr, but away
from the main entrance. So if we want to get there unnoticed, we
need to approach it from the back."
"Shouldn't we just be able to visit them if we ask?"
Devron tried.
"Of course not." Adamo said, "Would you let just
anyone in a boat? Who knows what could happen."
Having made his point, Adamo veered of the path and followed what
appeared to be an animal trail.
"You can go back." Axelle said, "Following the road
won't be hard."
And leave the first friend he'd made alone with his brother? Devron
sure wasn't going to do that. Summoning all the courage he could
muster, he shook his head and followed Adamo into the shadows.
They walked for another 15 minutes or so until Devron finally dared
to state the obvious.
"We're lost, aren't we?"
"Well I've never actually been this way." Axelle admitted.
"Now you tell us." Adamo chided.
"We just need to go back the way we came." Axelle said,
turning around.
But no matter where they turned, the wall of green seemed identical
and there were several animal trails that crossed each other. There
was no way to tell which way they had come. Though the day was far
from over, the light was dimmed by the trees and bushes so tracking
the sun was out. They were far from the hold and who knows where
they were in raltion to the Weyr. Still it couldn't hurt to try to
"Help." Axelle hollered.
"I hope there aren't dangerous animals in the vicinity."
Adamo smirked.
"Of course there aren't. I wouldn't have taken you off the path
if there were." Axelle retorted.
He had been quiet for a while, but Devron hadn't been idle. Looking
around he was the first one who noticed:
"I see something brightly coloured over there."
"What?" Adamo asked.
"I don't know, I think it's a tent? Or some other kind of
fabric. It's bright yellow."
Taking him by the hand, Axelle took over the lead and pulled Devron
behind her.
"You're going to just go there?" Adamo asked.
"What other option do we have? Stay behind if you don't like
Adamo shrugged and reluctantly followed the two others. Staying by
himself in the forest wasn't exactly appealing either. Axelle had
said there were no dangerous animals, but she'd also claimed to know
where the Wher kennel was. She hadn't been a bastion of honesty.
Devron kept back a bit as Axelle stormed into the clearing. Wanting
to get back home so bad, she started talking before se took stock of
the situation that had Devron's ears reddening.
"Excuse me, we need some hel...."
And then she too noticed that the man in front of her was nearly
naked. A small pond in the vicinity wafted steam and the man had
clearly meant to take a private bath. Covering up without much
panic, he waited for the youngsters to settle down and announced:
"So you needed help?"
"We're lost, mister..." Devron tried.
"We came from the hold." Axelle said.
And Adamo kept quiet, looking away thinking he'd need to find out
where this spot was so he could come back later.
"From Big Bay Hold? You're quite close to the Weyr. My name is
J'ack. I could take you there."
"Yes please." Axelle called
"Can we?" Devron asked
"If you don't mind." Adamo added.
It didn't take 10 minutes for them to reach the Weyr. Apparently
Axelle did possess a sense of direction. The Weyr was still small,
not too many dragonriders were in attendance but there was a blue
dragon that looked positively radiant. The dragon came closer and
sniffed them gently, giving them a peek of his leathery wings.
"It seems you've caught Dianath's eye." J'ack said,
"She would very much like you to attend as candidates for the
current clutch. that is if you want to."
Continue to
Chapter 3

Axelle, Devron and Adamo are Candidates at Dawn
Watch Weyr
Dollz were made at Kate's Dolls
Back to Lantessama Isle