When the faithful day finally arrived, the tension hung taut in the air. A breeze like a whisper sounded in the Weyr: "the eggs are hatching!". Wearing their traditional plain robes, Joann and Diann made for the secluded area where the eggs had been warmed and nursed by their mother Niayith. Waiting, some more patient than others, the assembled candidates cast a hopeful gaze at the eggs. After several hatchings, it was Diann who first noticed a change. A small presence that was both subtle and unyielding.
"You may call me Rurath, Diann".
3 eggs later, Joann was awarded with the same sensation, the presence in her head slightly more insistent and direct.
"Hello there, my name is Sayoth."


Rurath opened her eyes and blinked, why was she awake? The world was still dark and her internal clock told her she could still sleep. Strangely though, her mind was awake and brimming with excitement.
"Diann?" Rurath asked.
"Hush dear." her rider texted back, "I'm just heading to a party. I fancied a dance or two."
"As long as that's all you're doing. But let me sleep, I'm still growing." the green dragoness responded. 



Now fully grown, Rurath enjoyed the nightlife just as much as her rider. Though she didn't like parties and dances, she enjoyed being up when everyone else was sleeping. The night held a strange allure that she didn't mind exploring. 
"That's the spirit!" Diann told her.
"I don't think I'll ever like those crowds though." Rurath responded.
"You'll get used to it." Diann winked. 



Dolls were made at Josie's Dollz
Joann and Dian are Candidates at Isla Weyr

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