Sex: Female
Age: 20
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Appearance: (doll image was lost)
Personality: Shy, but once she gets to know you, she'll be telling you everything (if she trusts you)
Hobbies: She loves to be on her own and that is why she seeks out the worlds most quiet places
Other pets: Red Saharel Love & Striped Saharel Tigger from Castle DesCas
Atcydia: Black Sharayn (f) from Gineya Isle
Cocktail Flitters: Cranberry Lihn (f), Orange
Perin (m),
Lemon Sitru (m),
Cherry Termy (f) from Lantessama Isle

One egg cracked as the last of the dragons were bonding. Two more dragons
came out. One Orange male and One Cranberry female went to the three girls
Lucas had picked up on the beach.
"Merel, My name is Juice." said the
Orange, "What's an Atcydia and is it big?"
"Gelena! My name is Lihn." said the
Cranberry, "Will they crush us?"
"They are quite big,"
Merel said, "But they won't crush you if you keep flying." continued

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