to Earvin's Page

Name:  Earvin Spectralwind
Gender:  Male
Species: Anzu (Gryphon-adjacent)
Parents: --
Place of OriginThe Spectral Wilds
Description: A breed of gryphon-adjacent beings, the Anzu are very colourful, though their colours might seem more muted when they travel to other worlds. They  can interbreed with dragons. They're highly social, and can either bond or be sponsored, and will happily attach into multi-bond groups either as a bond or sponsor. Names are created as such: 1-3 syllable first names, descriptive surnames (ie Stormfur, Dawnfeather, Sharpeye, etc)
Size: 8-12' tall at the shoulder
Personality: Earvin is bright and showy and has no boundaries. Everyone is his friend and is to be trusted. Of course, should he be facing danger, he will get out mostly unscathed so he has the luxury to trust. Oddly though, even though he is wide open, no-one has ever betrayed him. Maybe it's something in the way he acts or in the innocence of his gaze.
   *Fire Breath
   *Water Breath
   *Lightning Breath
   *Fire Control
   *Water Control
   *Wind Control
   *Storm Summoning

Coming Soon

will be continued for the right bond.

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