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The Human
Name: Ganrail
Gender: Female
Hair Color: medium brown with a reddish tint.
Eye Color: soft brown with gold spots.
Personality: Ganrail is a rather moody person, she likes to sit and
think about how (and when) the world is going to end. Her answers to these
two questions of life have remained the same over several years: How?
Grewsome, When? Soon. She has little trust in human nature and rather
keeps to herself.

The Dragon
Name: Girafeene
Gender: Female
Colour: Red-Brown Mutt
Personality: Girafeene is quite the
friendly dragon, sturdy and dependable though being a bit over-simplifying
at times. She believes that everything will be allright. After all, she is
a dragon, she knows best ;)
Hatched in: SCD 1st Birthday Clutch
Ganrail waited for the ceiling to come crashing down. Well, they were in
outer space, the ceiling wouldn't crash down, it would float away,
allowing the air to escape and leaving them all to die a horrible death.
She glanced up uncomfortably, aware of the thin barrier between her and
the huge vastness of the universe. People at the dragonry had insisted it
wasn't a thin barrier. That there were multiple layers and advanced
warning systems... but Ganrail had her doubts. They were still on a
manmade structure and humans were awfully flawed.
Around her people impressed dragons but she could hardly focus on anything
else, keeping her eyes on the walls as she scanned for cracks. She knew
one thing, she wouldn't be staying here after this ordeal was through.
"You won't? But I like it here?"
A thin voice asked her.
Looking down a red-brown hatchling was looking up at her without a care in
the world.
"Aren't you scared that something might go wrong?" Ganrail
"Hardly. The older dragons will keep us safe
until i'm old enough to do it myself." she replied.
The dragoness radiated trust and faith in her elders. She needn't make
certain everything was safe because others had done their part. The
thought process was alien to Ganrail, but it was tempting.
"Girafeene?" she asked as the name popped in her mind
"Yes, Ganrail?" the dragon
"Just checking."
Girafeene had taken to the world of Syl'Neriss without problems. Ganrail
had tried to get used to the space station of Star City Dragonry but as
more nights ended in frenzied nightmares and dull sleeplessness, Girafeene
had told her rider that leaving would be preferred over the decline in
Ganrail's health. Though in truth, Ganrail was still plagued with
nightmares even when she was on a bonafide planet. Because of course the
core of the planet could fracture, rending the surface to swallow all life
to the fiery depths below. Or the entire continent might descend into the
ocean as the tectona plates shifted... or the shadows might just return
and swallow the place as they'd intended.
"I am here." Girafeene
whispered soothingly, "No such thing will
happen on my watch."
"But you can't be awake all the time."
Girafeene cocked her head, but decided it was time to give Ganrail a
glimpse of what was out there. Opening up their connection, Girafeene
allowed Ganrail to peek into the shared minds of the dragons that were
around. Some were sleeping of course, but many were awake. Girafeene's
mind was linked to all dragons she'd met in her life and through them to
many more that she had not yet met and might never meet. But she knew them
and they knew her and none meant her harm.
"See, everything will be alright." Girafeene
insisted, "There is always someone looking
out for our safety."
Ganrail quieted, her face relaxed in sleep, for once not plagued by
nightmares or worry. Girafeene knew the worry would return, it was her
rider's nature to second guess. But one day maybe, she would be able to
enjoy the universe and all it offered, even with the real dangers it was
very much worth the risk to see it.

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