
image made with Portrait Works

Name: Wumta
Age: Immortal
Gender: Non Binary Female
Race: Demon
Class: Beserker

Description: Wumta has grey-blue skin which is cool to the touch. Leathery wings sprout from her back. Her sturdy build is evident in the size of her thighs and upper arms. Curved ram horns sprout from her temples. She has dark brown hair, a large nose and bloodred lips. Her sclera are black and her pupils silver.
Personality: Wumta is a hedonist with a very short attention span. She does not plan, she acts. She barges through danger with brute force. If that fails she has a barrage of destructive magic at her fingertips. And if things get really bad she can just fly away. There is little that she fears. That she is a demon doesn't mean she won't fight to protect others. But those others'd better know how to sway her to be their champion.
     *Brute Force: very strong, almost as hard as stone
     *Destructive magic (explosions, collison impact,...)


Wumta followed her nose. Delicious aromas drifted through the air, promising a full belly and a satisfied tongue. Wumta could only follow her nose. She'd barely been on this planet for half a day. She knew nobody and hardly registered that people were staring. Her big body, tattered wings and probably, her unusual colouring, all made her stand out in a bad way. But Wumta never cared about decorum and manners. She just wanted to tnjoy each day as it presented itself to her.
And so it came to be that Wumta arrived at the feast that had been prepared for the newly hatched dragons at Armaina. She might have broken down a door or a wall in the process. She didn't really remember. She just wanted to eat. It took several people calling to break her attention away.
Wumta looked around and saw several people standing around. Some had hatchlings at their side. They were wary of her and trying to make out whether she was an actual threat. Wumta shuffled a bit to the side, allowing others to reach the table. There was plenty to share.
"Give me some too." a voice told her.
"Sure thing, Reynate." she said roughly.
The bond had formed and had caused some pleasant feelings so Wumta wasn't opposed. She probably wouldn't even mind taking care of the little black dragonet. After all she didn't seem all that demanding.

Black Reynate bonded at Armaina's Dragons

Personality: Analytical/Scientific, Inquisitive, Patient



Reynate flexed her wings. Keeping Wumta in check was a hard day's work, but the black dragoness had to admit that food was always plentiful and that they always had a nice place to sleep. They saw plenty of new places and lately they'd even been a bit more social, meeting more people now that Reynate was able to do the talking.
"I'm thinking of going somewhere." Reynate told Wumta.
"Where?" was the simple question.
"A place with good food although there will be plenty of people and dragons."
"That's okay. Can I go out?" She asked.
"Yeah, there are forests and mountains too." Reynate agreed.
"Then we'll go." Wumta nodded.
"We might need to be there a little while longer. I want to fly and breed." Reynate said, showing Wumta what she meant.
The demon grinned and said: "That'll feel good. Why didn't you do so sooner?"

Lantessama Isle
Background image from deitydiva