
This is a Candidacy Page for
Abri Weyr

Name |
Synli |
Age |
20 |
Family |
Parents: Megan and
Jona, One sister: Leora (25) |
Pets |
None |
Appearance |
Gentile looking,
rather small, with soft light brown hair and green eyes. Usually smiles
all the time. |
Intelligence |
Above Average |
Thoughts |
Friendly thoughts, she
wants to help. Sad thoughts |

Synli sat down sadly on the bench in the Garden of
her cothold. She sighed and wiped away the tear dripping from her eyes. She
tried one last time to keep her grieve within, to be strong...but she
couldn't. She felt more tears coming and cried. It had been a week since her
mother had died. Megan had been only 50 turns, not old. But a terrible
sickness had weakened her, and the next had killed her. 6 months of seeing
her mother slowly disappearing had made Synli sad. She and her sister had
done all they could to help her, to save her, but nothing had helped. 2
weeks ago her mother had called them with her. "Girls," She had said,
"I feel I'm weakening too fast now to hold on much longer. I feel sad
that I have to leave you so soon, without seeing you two get real happiness.
But I know you will. Life has a way of finding you. You can't hide from it.
Life can be cruel, but it also can be joyful. Please don't get sad at me
leaving, maybe we'll meet again."
A week later she was gone. Synli hadn't smiled since, she had lived in a
fuzzy gray world, feeling almost nothing. She had tried not to cry and to
keep happy for her mother. But she couldn't keep living like this.
And now she cried, she felt terribly guilty about it. She wanted to be happy
like her mother wanted and live life to it's fullest, but she couldn't!
She was still crying when Leora came out and found her. Leora sat down
beside her and started to talk to her:
"Shhh Synli. Don't cry. Not now, the day is too nice to cry. It's the
first fair weather we've got this entire turn!"
"But I can't keep pretending I'm not hurt! And now I feel guilty..." she
"You don't have to be guilty. I've cried too, that's normal, Mother
didn't say you couldn't cry, just that she didn't want you to never smile
Leora wiped away some of the tears on Synli's face."
"Let's go shopping tomorrow, maybe that will relax us a bit."
They left early to the nearest hold.
Leora had thought it might be a gather, and she was right. The weather was
good and there was no thread today anywhere near them. The gather stalls
were up by the time they got to the hold. They walked around, looking at
items, sometimes buying something. Synli had to admit she felt a little
better, but her mother still wandered the edges of her mind. Smiling was
something she couldn't do just yet.
Then she saw it, a smooth woven cloth in just the colour her mother liked.
It brought tears back in her eyes. She turned around and ran away from the
gather, leaving Leora baffled.
Synli ran and ran, not knowing where she would end up.
She must have run in a circle, because she suddenly saw the towers of the
hold again. She stopped and looked up. A silver shimmer caught her eye. She
didn't know where it came from until she got closer and saw a silver dragon
with blue wings and ridges standing on a grassy field. The dragon looked at
her, it's head tilted, it's eyes whirling slowly blue. Synli was almost
hypnotised by the eyes. She came closer and looked directly in them. She
lifted her hand, all she wanted to do at that moment was touch the dragon's
skin. Slowly her hand drifted down to the dragon.
"What are you doing there?" The magic broke, he hand went back up,
her eyes focused. She looked straight into the eyes of a young woman,
looking so like her sister she started to cry again. the woman at first was
a bit unsure how to act, then she took her hands and said: "What's
"I left my sister standing on the gather and you look just like her, I
only ran because something reminded me of my moter and...." Synli
mumbled the whole story to the woman, sobbing between sentences. When she
came to the part about the dragon, she almost slipped back in the trance.
"Well, Zalaeith likes you too. You see I was here on search, but she
didn't find any likely candidates in the hold. i decided to visit the gather
to get some leather and when I came back you were here and Zalaeith kept
telling me she had found a candidate."
"I would love to go to the Weyr, but I need to tell my sister. Seeing a
hatching would be nice."
"You don't quite understand. Zalaeith feels you could impress a dragon.
That's why she wants you."
That was too much for Synli in her present state of mind. She fainted.
Valecaea told Zalaeith to carry Synli to the hold and went to find her
sister. She found her fast, Leora had been worried sick about Synli and was
desperately looking for her everywhere on the gather. She was getting a lot
of angry looks, but she didn't care. She almost screamed when she felt
Valecaea's hand on her shoulder, but managed to keep her mouth shut.
"I know where your sister is, follow me please."
Synli awoke and smiled, she had had
the most amazing dream! She had seen a dragon and had been invited to a
hatching! She couldn't wait to tell her silly dream to Leora. But Leora was
"Why are you here?" she asked.
"Synli, you fainted on the gather."
"But I was only dreaming that!"
"No you weren't, we were there, you ran away from me and I looked for you
for hours! then I get led here by this woman who said you had fainted. I'm
glad I finally found you!" She said and hugged her sister.
"But then....The dragon was real too?" she mumbeled.
"What did you say?" Leora asked.
"The dragon! I'm asked to be a Candidate!" she shouted, tears of joy
coming in her now sparkling eyes.
Synli felt she had to grasp this opportunity with both hands! it would turn
her life upside down, but change wasn't always bad.

Synli didn't quite understand. From
what she had heard they still needed one more candidate. And 3 of the others
had only arrived that day! But she couldn't argue with the fact that the
eggs were rocking. Hard. She took her place amongst the other candidates and
Suddenly an egg cracked and a blue broke free of it's egg. It went straght
to the candidate of it's choice. A very good sign. Synli hoped those signs
would translate to her own life too. Impressing wasn't the highest priority.
She'd have other chances to stand and impress. She wanted to heal first
rather than impress. But here she was, waiting, she still considered it to
be a dream. A very happy dream. She smiled softly, waiting to wake up when
she heard it! The softest voice she had ever heard, but it was there and
heard just by her:
"Yllisiath?" She asked, amazed that she knew the name of the little
green that went unnoticed by the others.
"I'm no dream Synli."
Synli smiled again. For once believing she might be there for real. For one
time forgetting all of her past until she was just there. Together with
"I know Yllisiath."
"Leora was right, Synli. It is good for you
to remember your mother, but she would want you to be happy now."
"Oh, I am!" Synli told her as she got down to hug the dragonet.
"And I know Leora will be, too."
An arm still around Yllisiath, she turned to search the stands for her older
sister. She waved and left for the food tables.

Time healed wounds better than any
doctor and so it had healed Synli's heart as well. The smile that had so
often been on her face was there again. Yllisiath of course thought that
time had had nothing to do with the change. After all wasn't it her
wonderful presence that had healed Synli? To accredit time for such a
marvelous thing was silly.
"I still think it was time." Synli said, "I needed to work through things."
"All you needed was me." The green
dragon insisted.
Finally Synli shrugged and gave in to the dragon's wiles. After all life
with a bad-tempered Yllisiath might make her life as bad again as it had
"At least you know it." Yllisiath
"Maybe it would have been better if you'd used your wonderful healing
abilites on someone else." Synli quipped. She winked but Yllisiath hadn't
missed the humour in her throughts.
"You heretic." she jabbed back,
"I guess you won't see the brilliance in my next
idea either."
"What idea?" Synli asked.
"To spread my genes so I won't help just you but a
whole score of saddened humans."
Synli laughed out loud, "Only you would think of that."


Lantessama Isle