Liv and Male Orange-Striped 
Orange Teranon


Liv hurried to the hatching sands when the call came. This would be the third clutch that she had tried impressing at Cy Dragonstake. She had seen most of her friends impress, Xander had his nice red dragoness that was looking more mature every day. And Raven had his Corvosa, he was mostly busy with his dragon, or gazing at Ovi and her green dragoness. The sparks between them were so obvious that Liv just couldn't understand why nothing came from it, it almost seemed like they had agreed nothing would happen and now were regretting every word of that promise. At one time she had even bumped into Cerces and her hydra on the flight area when she had been coming back from Xander's training. Luckily for her there had been a lot of people present, because the looks the cold woman gave her could have killed.
Putting all the thoughts of her happy bonded friends aside, Liv entered the sands and waited alongside the 6 other candidates, seeing each one of them impress before her.
That left one egg... one egg and one candidate. Liv stared down that egg, eyes blazing with cold determination. She would bond whatever hatched from that egg, she had to! She had been at Cy for almost a year without bonding and had stood through more hatchings than she liked to admit. So, this time, she was going to bond! She had too, what would everyone think when she wasn't able to charm one of these little creatures? She didn't take her eyes off of the egg for one moment as it rocked and split slowly apart.

Liv felt her determination fall as she saw the orange-striped orange, the male orange. She probably wouldn't bond it, then. It was unusual for dragons to bond opposite-gendered. She sighed and began to head out of the sands. That was when she heard the voice in her head. 
"Hey, where are you going, Liv?" asked a bright and cheery voice that lit up her mind.
"I was..." Liv couldn't finish her sentence in the face of the beautiful dragon that stood at her feet.
"Well, that's ok. My name is Teranon and I'm yours whether you like it or not!" The orange dragon happily pranced around Liv as she watched him with wonder in her eyes. She had finally bonded, finally bonded to a wonderful orange bipedal dragon! 
"Now, come on!" said Teranon as he thumped his tail on the ground. "Let's go eat!"
"Yeah," said Liv, patting the dragon on the back. "Let's go!"

Continue to Flight

Lantessama Isle
Cy DragonStake  -   Darkling Dawn

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