
The Stranger
Arisen walked up the small path leading to the Order of Luxior. Arisen had
learned much about the order in the small town in the valley. Arisen was a drifter, a mage of some talent with a pleasant face and a good humour. He was always looking for new knowledge.
Another thing that had brought him here was the rumour that the order held an ancient relic, an amulet with mystical powers. Why all these relics were supposed to have mystical powers was beyond
Arisen but it didn't stop him from seeking them out. He looked out over the ridge and enjoyed the scenery for a moment before the cold wind pushed him back against the wall. He pulled his furred cloak a bit tighter around him and hurried to the monastery.
Some time later Arisen arrived at the monastery with all his limbs still attached to his body and the feeling still in his fingers and toes. It hadn't been too bad a crossing through the cold. He threw his coat back to give him an air of nonchalance and knocked on the door.
Arisen didn't have to wait long to be admitted. A monk, his face hidden behind the hood of his cloak, let him in and bade him to wait in the cold hall. Arisen suspected the monk to wear earmuffs and a scarf under the heavy black coat. Arisen smiled at the thought.
A cough behind his back got his attention and Arisen twisted to see who was standing there. Another man, this one old and frail, heavily cloaked against the cold stood in front of him. Arisen noticed the inward stare and knew what it meant. He had seen more old men like this, puppets.
Still Arisen bowed before the man and gave him all the respect he deserved as leader of the order.
"What have you come for sir mage?" asked Aridwen.
"I have come to beg you a favour." Arisen said.
"Stand up sir mage and help me to warmer rooms. They've taken this ice thing too serious."
"They have sir…?" Arisen played along.
"Aridwen, High Mage Aridwen."
"It is an honour to meet you."
"The honour is mine. You don't have to play games around me Serxes."
Arisen jerked at the name. Apparently the old man recognised someone in him. As he jerked Aridwen turned and
only saw the long-gone features of his friend.
"Don't worry Serxes, I won't tell them your secret." He said and smiled.
"What is my secret again? It's been so long." Arisen asked, hoping this man Serxes was long gone.
"Don't you remember? You told me yourself the day you died. 'Never let Sermillion rule' you said, like I would not see the evil in him. It was a pity you died that day, almost like you knew…" the old man said and trailed
off into thought.
"It was good of you to keep that promise." Arisen whispered, "But I have come for something else as well."
"Tell me, Serxes, I wouldn't deny you anything."
"I wanted to inspect the amulet."
"You brought it to the order and hid it here. If anyone knows where it is, it's you. The voyage must have tired you. Let me bring you to your room to rest."
"I would be most grateful."
Plevinon arrived in the cold entrance hall and looked around. There was no-one around. The hall was as quiet and empty as ever.
"Where is he?" he asked.
"I don't know sir…" Tressen said, already steeling himself for a blow that would certainly come. Bitter he thought of his father who had brought this upon him and knew he would never be rid of it until he took matters in his own hands. Until then Tressen was quite content to act stupid.
"Who else knew he was here?" Plevinon asked urgently.
"Only master Ardiwen." Tressen said innocently.
Inside, Tressen was smiling. He knew the High mage was somewhere lost in his mind and was not supposed to be notified, but he was still the leader of the order and thus had to be alerted of all visitors and decisions made. However it was
certainly opportune to Plevinon that the man forgot everything after he had heard it.
But at times the younger man could get through.
"I need to find him.., What if this stranger is a madman?" Plevinon said and ran off
to look for the magister. Tressen smiled at the confusion he had caused. He bowed his head and prayed for strength in his ordeals. Not much longer would he be here.
Plevinon dashed through the halls and arrived at the Magister's rooms in record time since it was not custom to run in the monastery. Wishing, praying to find the magister intact Plevinon opened the door and stepped in. The magister sat in his comfortable chair sipping from a mug of hot cocoa.
"Plevinon!" he said.
"Are you safe magister?" he asked.
"Of course I am. I tended to our visitor and gave him back his old room."
"The visitor was someone from the order?"
This revelation struck Plevinon as odd. Either men served their entire life for the order or they left ashamed never to return. Why would Aridwen give back a room?
"Yes, before your time of course, but I knew him well."
Maybe the visitor was too old to be denied, though Plevinon doubted Aridwen would see any difference in his present state of mind. Sometimes he seemed to talk to people who had long since died like they were in the room with him. Plevinon would have to find out where the stranger was staying.
Sermillion walked in the hallway passing his father's old rooms when he saw movement inside. This part of the Monastery wasn't used often, the sleeping compartments had shifted to the smaller Eastern Wing which was cheaper to heat in these cold winters.
"Excuse me." He said and entered.
Arisen lifted his head and smiled at yet another monk who came to satisfy his curiosity. Before the day was over everyone would know he was here with elaborate
bets being made about who he was most likely.
"What are you doing in my father's rooms?"
Arisen for a moment hesitated. This apparently was the unfit Sermillion. He would have to be careful around this one. But then, why hide the truth when the only other one who knew it was senile?
"I was given these rooms by the magister." Arisen said.
"The magister? Or his assistant Plevinon?" Sermillion said, his eyes flaring when he spoke out the so hated name. He should be assisting the magister, not some vain little outsider.
"The real magister." Arisen said, digging into the hatred of the other.
"And why did he give them to you?"
Arisen shrugged. He wouldn't clarify this question with an answer, it would be better that the magister explain this one. Apparently this situation wasn't
unusual as the monk turned without another word and left Arisen to himself.
"Friendly bunch." Arisen said to himself and left his room to investigate. "Now, if I was a paranoid monk, where would I leave my item of great value?"

Isle |