Gender: Male
Age: Old (in fact, deceased)
Skills: bat-shifting and teleportation
Description: Riyagh is a mysterious wanderer with a love for
sociology and psychology. He enjoys describing what he sees more
than anything and tries never to interfere, but that was impossible
in this case. He had to come out of the shadows where he so silently
dwells and come to the rescue.
Homeworld: Unknown
Dragons: Yellow Hathians Yotogi
and Iramara (from Cy's
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Skills: electronics
Description: Zaniom is the 'punk' of the group. He's gotten himself
into all kinds of trouble, though he isn't all bad. He in fact
likes this little band of survivors, but that wouldn't do his image
any good, so he hides the way he feels and just entertains himself
with the library computers, trying to find other survivors and a way
to escape.
Homeworld: Earth
Dragon: -- (standing at
Black Mesa DR - Meridian Halloween 2023)
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Skills: seeing the good in everything and keeping the peace
Description: Altoona is the second oldest in the group and she feels
that the responsability of taking the lead comes down to her since
Zaniom sure isn't taken it. She is a very optimistic person who is
always ready to help the people around her. She's confident that one
day she'll return to find Earth replenished.
Homeworld: Earth
Dragon: Female Blue Hathian Itesaseu
(from Cy's
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Skills: to sleep in whatever position he finds himself
Description: Tysterin is a slack off. He has been accused of being
lazy many times, but now he feels the time has come to throw his
weight in with the others and try to get out of their situation as
soon as possible, because he fears that slacking off this time might
have more serious consequences than missing a bus...
Homeworld: Earth
Dragon: Red Hathian Avagin
(from Cy's
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Skills: knows his way around Latin and Ancient Greek
Description: Rettiv is most likely the smartest of the group. Though
you wouldn't say it from his appearance, he is a straight A student.
Studying just comes easily to him and it is what he does now to save
his life. Studying has never been this important to him before, but
that only makes it harder for him to endure it.
Homeworld: Earth
Dragon: -- (standing at
Black Mesa DR - Meridian Halloween 2023)
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Skills: Pointing out the obvious and working on everyone's nerves
Description: Pollander just gets on everybody's nerves. Whatever he
does he seems to fail miserably in everything he starts. When lives
depend on how you do your job this isn't tolerated easily. Thus
Pollander has been given the least interesting jobs, like getting
and placing away books and preparing food.
Homeworld: Earth
Dragon: -- (standing at
Black Mesa DR - Meridian Halloween 2023)
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Skills: Innocence and an Open Mind
Description: Jypress is the one with the most careless youth of all
the group. She had never seen the end coming and is gravely affected
by it's sudden onset. She tries to be strong, but doesn't always
succeed in this. She tries to keep her breakdowns away from the
group, but in these little quarters it's hard not to notice. And
yet... she is the one that will eventually be the key to their
Homeworld: Earth
Dragon: -- (standing at
Black Mesa DR - Meridian Halloween 2023)