Jean closed her eyes and let herself be taken by the kiss. The glorious
kiss. The first kiss… Finally her lips parted from Zack’s and she
gently opened her eyes. Her eyes looked straight into his dark brown eyes,
looking tenderly in her own baby blues.
"I love you." She whispered.
"And I love you." Zack answered.
He put his arm around his girlfriend’s shoulders and guided her into the
park where the sun shone pleasantly on students who were enjoying the
first real day of spring. The temperatures were ideal for picknicking and
the slight breeze that sometimes ran through the trees had swayed more
than a few people to leave their study books in their rooms and go outside
to talk, laugh and play.
Zack and Jean soon vanished in the crowd of students who flocked on all
free areas of grass, some of them throwing Frisbees, but most of them just
sat down, obstructing the Frisbee-ers road and making the old game
entirely challenging.
But there was one person who wasn’t interested in the good weather. His
eyes were only on one person. Dark was his gaze and hateful were the
thoughts in his mind.
"I loved you first…" he thought, following Zack and Jean with
his eyes.
Once he had known true love, but that love had been betrayed. His soul
mate was now walking around with another, acting like what had once been
there between them had never existed. Will craved for a kind word, for
some attention… silly maybe but the phrase ‘let’s stay friends’
popped up in his mind. He could have pulled that off. Just being friends
was better than being banned from the life of the one he so sorely missed.
If only… but he had been thrown away like a broken doll and now… they
would pay. Both of them needed to suffer. Today, with most of the students
in a relaxed mob outside, the conditions were far from perfect, but they’d
have to do. There were bound to be some places left in Leuven where there
weren’t a lot of people hanging around. Shadowy places, college
auditoria most likely where lonely professors stood in front of fewer
students than they had expected. Will grinned… maybe there he would find
the right opportunity for his revenge.
Jean and Zack, oblivious of Will following them lost as they were in each
other’s company, carried on in the way new couples are supposed to. They
kissed, they laughed, they gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes,
promising the world and all the stars to the person they loved, things
that weren’t theirs to give to begin with.
Will got sick of it, anger like a fire blazed in his heart that had been
torn when the one person he valued most had crushed it with the sentence
"I’ve finally found someone to be with! It’s the most wonderful
feeling in the world, being in love", like Will didn’t know how it
felt. Like what they had between them wasn’t real. Will fumed, his
cheeks were red and his face was twisted into a dark mask of hatred.
Jean and Zack reached the auditorium they had a class in. They postponed
leaving the warm air a bit, not wanting to go into the cooler, darker
"Let’s skip this class…" Zack said.
"And do what exactly?" Jean asked, "Listen to the birds
sing in the trees?"
"That’s one thing we could do, though I think making out sounds
pretty wonderful too."
"God’s gift to women…"
"That’s me, baby." Zack smiled, "Anyway it would be
better than class."
"But I want to pass." Jean said, "Coming to this guy’s
class is the best way to achieve that."
Zack sighed, "I know… but maybe after?"
"You really do only think of one thing, right?"
"Guilty as charged, but can you blame me when it’s an absolute
goddess I want to keep happy?"
"Smooth, very smooth." Jean said, "Let’s go
"After you."
Jean and Zack entered the campus building and Will followed shortly after.
He didn’t have this class and both of them knew that. If they saw him he
wouldn’t be able to take his revenge. They would come to him and be all
nice and ignorant of what Will felt deep inside.
As he had suspected only 5 people, including him, had shown up for the
class. The professor came in, dismissed the class and went out again,
surely he too would be enjoying the sun within minutes, after all,
teachers were humans, granted, weird humans, but still humans.
Finally, when only Will, Zack and Jean were in the room, Will got up and
approached them.
"Hey Will!" Zack called out when he saw him, "I thought you
didn’t take this class."
"I don’t." Will said.
"Then why did you come?"
"To see you two sticking knives in my back." Will shouted, his
face flushed red again as he tried to speak of his feelings.
"Zack… I love you. I thought it was the same for you. We did
everything together. And now, it’s like I’ve lost you… to a woman!"
"He’s gay?" Jean asked, looking at Zack.
"Don’t look at me, I never knew that." Zack said and then
turned to Will, "Really I didn’t. I thought we were friends, best
friends, but we were nothing more in my eyes. We still are friends, now I
just have a girlfriend too."
"Liar!" Will cried out in pain.
There had to be something between them. Will couldn’t live with the idea
that all he had seen between them had been a fantasy of his. Clearly he
remembered the looks Zack had given him, the accidental touches that had
run shivers down his spine, the faint electricity between them. Hadn’t
Zack felt those things?
What was he going to do now? Will had envisioned that Zack would have
fallen in is arms and left the bimbo once he had confessed his feelings.
He had been so sure that Zack had been taunting him, dating a girl. But if
it was real? How could he go on? He had made a fool of himself. Broken,
all the anger washed from his system, Will sagged down on a chair.
"We’ll leave you to your thoughts." Zack said.
Zack would never know the agony those words brought upon Will. The knowing
what Zack and Jean would be doing and the sadness of what Will would never
experience… the love the boy he had loved since the day he had first
seen him.
The awkward scene was interrupted by the sudden appearance of a green
beast, ridden by a woman.
"Dresynith," she said, "Are you sure this was the best
place to land."
"Of course it was…" Dresynith told her rider, "right next
to the candy vendor."
"I’ve created a monster…" Maira sighed.
The finder looked around and noticed the three humans. "are these the
ones you told me about?" she asked her dragon.
"Yes, a love triangle, be it an unusual one…" the dragoness
"Perfect for the Valentine clutch." Maira pondered, "Keep
away from the chocolate while I go get the candidates.
"Eh… the candidates have a mind of their own." Jean said.
"Yes, we won’t go without a fight!" Zack called to the woman
who was much smaller than him.
"It’s against the rules to find people who are unaware of their
status." Maira smiled, "I’d just like to ask you if you’d be
interested in getting to know dragons for yourselves. Once you got one it’s
hard to imagine ever being without." Maira said.
"I don’t see why we should go." Jean said, defiant as usual.
"I don’t know, " Maira said, "think of it as a long
tropical vacation, you could bond and then be back here about the same
time you left. Nothing to it."
"But we would have dragons to take of, not to mention hide them!"
Zack said.
"The valentine dragons wouldn’t be that big. Besides, some resident
magician might know an invisibility spell to people unaware of dragons. It
really wouldn’t be a problem."
"We’d just leave?"
All the while Maira spoke with the young couple, Will was sitting on his
chair, his thoughts far away from the spectacular entrance of the
Lantessama Finder. His life was over, he wanted to crawl in a corner and
die. His heart, already torn, was now completely crushed.
"What’s wrong with him?" Maira asked.
"I think he’s got a heartache." Jean said, "Bad break up."
Maira looked at the girl, her right eyebrow lifted, it was one thing to
dump someone, but to crush him? That seemed almost inhuman. Maybe this
girl wasn’t right after all.
"Hey! Don’t drag me into this." Jean cried out when she saw
the Finder’s look, "Ask Zack if you want to know who dumped
"We were never together to begin with! I didn’t know that he loved
"Er… Dresynith, will there be foliages hatching from the clutch?"
"Get with the Lantessama colour chart." Dresynith sighed, "That
doesn’t matter…. Though I think he’d like some of our foliage and
rain riders." The dragon grinned.
"There are gays in this place you talk about?" Zack asked.
"Sure! They used to impress big time in the olden days, though now
that there are more females around…"
"But he could find someone there who is more like him, right?"
"That isn’t very friendly, but yes."
"What are you thinking about?" Jean asked.
"I think we need to find him a boyfriend…" Zack said, "It’s
the least I can do."
"I gather this means you’re coming with me?" Maira asked.
"We are." Zack said, looking at Jean who nodded and Will who
shrugged and said: "I will never find a new love…But I will come
with you… if only so I can still see you."
Zack winced for a moment, gay attention was not what he needed. In fact he
wanted to return to how things were before, he wanted his best friend back…
They had been about two days on Lantessama when Jean excitedly charged
into the room she and Zack shared. To avoid problems on any kind (and
sleepless nights for other candidates), Will had been appointed to share a
room with a die hard chad kroeger fan of the opposite gender... a gender
Will wasn't interested in. Nor was Yarissa, as the girl was called,
interested in Will. Apparently only Chad would ever be right for her.
"Zack!" Jean called out.
"What's wrong? Are the eggs hatching?" Zack asked, but people
around the Isle had assured them it would still be at least a week before
the eggs hatched.
"No! But I've found the strangest garden... right behind that
mountain. And it has living flowers!" Jean said excitedly.
"Of course the flowers live, dead gardens are never pretty."
Zack said, "I've found this pyramid in the dunes, now that's a cool
place... and it's got flitters!"
"Flitters?" Jean swayed for a moment from her own topic, but
then she returned to it again:
"Never mind, I mean that the flowers chirp and move! They have eyes
too, but no mouth."
"Then how do you feed them?" Zack asked.
"You water them and feed them nice rich ground, silly, how else do
you take care of plants?"
"I wouldn't know, all my plants died."
"I was thinking of getting one." Jean says.
"A flitter?"
"No, a fazzle!"
"Oh... I wanted a flitter."
"You can still get one... I'm just getting fazzles."
Jean walked away from the small, but overly crowded
flower patch, carrying two bright red-gold flowers in small bags
containing dirt.
"I've made up my mind.3 she said, smiling at her boyfriend.
"Finally!" he said, "But they are pretty."
"They are, aren't they? This one is Lulu, and the pointier one will
be Kiki."
"heh... those names actually suit them." Zack said.
"Now we go to that pyramid of yours and see what you get."
"Definately!" Zack said, "Maybe we should take Will though..."
"It almost seems like you think more about him, than about me."
Jean said disapointed, "Maybe you really are gay!" she continued
"Eh. No! I'm one hundred procent straight! So let's get going!"
They reached the pyramid and found a few eggs on a pedestal. Zack took one
and was amazed when it hatched immediately into a small light-red critter
with triangular gliding wings.
"He's perfect!" he said, "I'll name him Red."
"And you thought my names were silly." Jean sighed.
"What? Red is a very good, masculine name."
"At one point you are trying too hard at being straight... right
before you admit to me you're gay. I think we're almost there."
Blushing Zack stopped his charade and said, "Ok, but I still am going
to call him Red."
"Suit yourself."
A little while away from the pyramid, Will was
walking through the dunes. His heart had recovered a bit after he had
completely changed environments, but sometimes, when he saw Zack in the
distance he still felt it ache as if it was going to shrivel and give up
beating. He tried to keep away from his unreachable love, but he was
failing miserably.
Suddenly he stepped into a ditch and nearly fell when he saw the eggs he
had been about to step in. He had heard about these... flit eggs, the
small flying creatures he had seen all around him. Not wanting to disturb
the nest, he placed back the eggs. But when he had found the last two, he
felt the shells in his hand shatter.
"Oh no!" he whispered, thinking he had broken them.
But not much after, a feeling of hunger and love filled him, overpowering
his grief. With a shock he realised he had bonded to the two fliters that
had hatched in his hand. But though he hadn't meant to do it, he still
felt like it had been a good thing to happen. And if a dragon was ten
times more powerful... he light forget about Zack altogether.
Will's heart stopped for a minute when he thought about that. Would he
just forget about Zack and move on? Could he?
"We'll see." he said to the sea and trotted of to the kitchen to
find food for his new two friends, Alisha and Darren.

Jean's Lulu and Kiki - Zack's
Autumn Red (m) - Will's Sun (f) Alisha and
Obsydian (m)
Another five eggs were showing promising signs of hatching. Suddenly one
burst open, crashing the other four with the shards blasting away in all
Streaks of pink and purple became visible in the tangle of dragons trying to get off the sands and bond.
It was a blood coloured male with nebula wings that struggled free first.
Eyes blazing and wings extended outward he was quite a sight to see.
He moved to the candidates and walked past most of them to find the young
man Will in the back.
"Dare not to try to stay hidden from me!"
the hatchling roared.
"But Salem, I really don't need to bond a
"Well you're too late. You're already
mine." the dragonet said triumphantly.
"I am?" the college student
asked, not sure what had happened. But then he felt the presence within him
where a large hole had been ever since Zack had left him. "Oh..."
"See, you don't need anyone else anymore...
not when you've got me." Salem winked.
The new pair walked to the feeding tables where they tried to still Salem's
hunger. Will was so occupied that he didn't feel Zack's eyes on his back.
"I'm glad he bonded." Will's
best friend told his girlfriend Jean.
"Are you thinking of him again!"
she sneered, "Really, I think a real break up
might do wonders for you."
"Huh? We never were... involved."
"That mister, is called denial."
"What could I be denying myself? There never was something to begin
"I second that!" a high
orange-sounding voice suddenly added.
"What was that?" Zack asked
"What was what?" she asked.
"That voice!"
"You're hearing things..."
"Then so are you!" a frosty
pink voice sounded in her ears.
"Dragons?" Jean asked.
"That must be it!" Zack
exclaimed, "But... where are they?"
Zack and Jean looked around the cavern, but they could see no dragons
looking at them. There did seem to be fewer dragons in the center ring where
there had been many before... but where could those be hiding?
"The secret passage way, of course!"
a giggle sounded right behind them.
Zack and Jean turned around to see two baby dragons, one bright pink, one
yellow-orange emerge from behind a white curtain. Trailing behind them was a
string of hearts and cans reading 'Just Married'
"Is this a proposal?" Jean
asked, looking happily into Zack's eyes.
"Eh..." Zack started, but was
rewarded by a shove in his back and the feeling of a small metal ring being
pressed in his hand by a dragon behind him.
"Where did you get this?" he
asked nearly panicking.
"We grabbed it from one of the
cardboards." the orange voice chuckled,
what are you waiting for! Kiss the girl!" (shalalala)
Zack shrugged. If he was conned into proposing by such devious little
romantic minds, than who was he to resist? He hadn't given the thought of
marriage much thought...but the look in Jean's eyes convinced him to go
through with the scam. She looked so happy and he realised he loved her more
than anyone else in his life.
"Including me?"
"Probably, Harvey." Zack said.
He was rewarded by another strike from the dragon's tail. "Ouch!"
Meanwhile, Jean was being informed of their plans to honeymoon under the
fabulous skies of Lantessama and maybe later... when Harvey and Sabrina were
large enough, to a more tropical place where they'd touch the stars.
"It's just perfect..." Jean
sighed, "How did you know?"
"Eh, just lucky I guess." Zack stuttered.
"We helped!" Sabrina couldn't
resist to say.

Zack and
Morning Sun's Fog Harvey
Jean and
Pink Sabrina
Will and Nebula's
Blood Salem (m)
Jean and Zack sat together in their joint living quarters, holding hands
and leaning in to each other. Some distance away, their dragons lay with
tails entwined, their two heart-shaped tail-sails tucked neatly over one
"Can life get any better?" Zack asked.
"I wouldn't know..." Jean said.
"I know." Sabrina remarked.
"How, sweety?" Jean asked her dragon.
"The coming of babies." Harvey replied
in her stead.
"Whose babies?" Zack asked.
"Yours and ours of course." Sabrina
Will had adjusted both to the life
around the dragonry and to living without constantly watching his former
crush Zack. Every time he got the urge to see what was going on with him
and his life partner, Jean, it seemed as if Salem intervened. The Nebula's
Blood dragon seemed to keep his mind from dwelling on the past. Making him
look forward and gain some hope. Hope even for a future with someone who
would reciprocate his love.
"And I'll be there to make sure it doesn't get
messy again." Salem said.
"Thanks." Will said, not sure if he should take this as a promise or a
scolding for his earlier behaviour. Were dragons ever vindictive?
"Some of us are... But it was a promise."
Salem said.
The purple, pink and red dragon blew some flames followed by smoke rings.
His tail twitched and hit a bucket, leaving a low rumbly sound to ring
around the stone walls of their new home. Salem hummed in tune with the
ringing and made more than one glass vibate because of his singing.
"You think you're such a great singer." Will laughed.
"I'm better than you under the shower."
Salem mocked.
"What is it with dragons and singing anyway?"
"We love it. From the creation of new life, to
the celebration of a hatching, to even the dead of our fellow dragons.
Singing soothes the soul."
"Should i try it more."
"I would be inclined to say yes, but your singing
"You're brutal when you're honest."
Salem grinned, "But I do know what else might
help you."
"I think the time is right for a mating flight.
What would you say if we chased a female dragoness with a cute boy rider?"
"Are there many of those around?"
"More than you think." Salem smiled.

Lantessama Isle
Jean, Zack and Will are Candidates at the Valentine Clutch |