Name: Alana Pyra
Age: 15 (now 17)
Gender: Female
Description: Alana is tall, slender
and has long red hair. She has a cold stare which intensifies her blue
eyes. Her facial structure is very elegant. No-one could say that Alan is
ugly . But then, she's not exactly pretty either. The way she talks with
mad large gestures, the way her voice rings into your ears and the way she
makes you feel like a tiny little insect really do not aid in making her
look good.
Behaviour: Alana is an obnoxious, demanding, high-strung person. She was
spoiled rotten by her absent parents. She got everything she wanted and
there was no-one to teach her right from wrong. After a while receiving
things didn't give her much of a kick anymore. Destroying things however,
first hers, and then the things and even pets of others brought her joy.
Family: Parents whom she doesn't visit.
Homeworld: Earth
Short History: Alana had been
setting fire to things in regular intervals when something struck her as
odd. She felt certain that someone was always around when she started a
fire. She didn't know if it was a man or a woman, but she got the feeling
that there was someone amongst the people she saw that she'd seen more
than one time before. The thrill of the fires made her memory
exceptionally well. She knew she was right.
First she tried to lay low, thinking the police was onto her, but the call
of the flames proved too much for her to resist. So she set fire again.
Cars, dumpsters, storehouses, the occasional cat. And she watched. Not
being a person who waits quietly, Alana confronted her follower, a woman
smaller than her by the name of Maira. She hadn't seemed dangerous at all.
Not even her dragon had seemed dangerous after Alana had met her.
And so Alana was found for the Lantessama Halloween Clutch.

A small light suddenly lighted between the candidates. The fire wielding
cheetah kin Eqahkali held up his light
to distinct more then a mass of wriggling black bodies. Suddenly three
more lights appeared in the cavern. Three dragons unfolded their wings and
a blast of orange-red light lit the cavern like it was midday.
The first dragon, with oddly shaped wings approached Eqahkali, careful not
too burn anyone with his flaming arms and legs. He sat down in front of
the kin, lighting his face from below giving him that spooky ghost-story
"My name is Vlodzon...
Shielding Light Vlodzon.
I am not as powerful as you,"
he said, "But I am trustworthy."
he continued winking at his two fiery siblings still standing on the
sands, "unlike them."
The male Fire hissed when Vlodzon said that but was held down by the
female that just glared and then stepped into the group of more violent
candidates. She headed towards the two smallest of the group of humans and
chose the little pyromaniac girl called Alana.
There she coughed up a small ball of flames and 'accidentally' set a table
cloth on fire just behind Eqahkali and his Vlodzon.
"Oops..." she said, "Alana,
I am Vuur'Zee."
"You're fun!" the girl
giggled and then left the holiday cavern.

Fire Vuur'zee (f)

Alana and Vuur'zee had been chased out of Lantessama after the two of them
had kinda 'accidentally' set fire to the fazzle garden. Too bad the
dragons had been quick to act. Aside from some singed leaves there really
wasn't any major damage done. And Alana detested the creatures.
"Plants." she sneared.
"Only good
for burning."
Vuur'zee agreed.
"And kicking." Alana added.
"Well we won't have
to see them
"True, but I really wanted to burn them." Alana pouted.
"There will be other
things to burn... maybe
humans...maybe dragons..."
"You know how to make a young girl's heart pound." Alana giggled.
"I do
my best."
"What did you have in mind?"
"I say a mating
Vuur'zee grinned.
"Aren't those dull experiences? Besides i don't feel like being pawed by
just anyone."
"I intend to use every godgiven talent of mine to
make sure no chaser leaves that flight unscathed. I
to only let the dirtiest, most malicious, powerful dragon
with concrete skin and a mind viler than mine take me."
"You do make it sound like a challenge." Alana shrugged.
"You get a
say in it too."
"No old or ugly guys then." Alana said, vain as always.
"I don't know how
many vile,
handsome, evil masterminds are out there."
"It's a challenge after all." Alana said.

All background images found with google.