Mara x
The last two eggs broke and a gasp went through the audience. One of them
was a second glowing hatchling. The female nebula had a rich violet
colour. With her noticeable appearance she took almost all of the
attention away from her brother, a rayant male who did not like it at
Bugling he rushed toward Pitros, one of the two candidates left.
"I won't let her steal the show." he
said determined, "My name is Leucosth!"
"I'm sure everyone heard." Pitros said, tapping the dragon's shoulder.
"They should."
"Are you hungry, Leucosth?"
"I'm very hungry." the glowing
nebula told Mara.
"Are you now, Rizoath?"
"I need to gain strength to start working on my
mission." the dragoness nodded.
"A mission." Mara called out delighted.
"I'm a beacon after all." Rizoath
Obo watched as the two of them left with their bonds together. She too
wouldn't leave alone. Jeri was there for her after all. Together they
might stick around a bit to see her children grow. That is if she could
convince her bond of the importance of it. Stretching her stiff limbs
she stood up and signalled her bond that she felt hungry as well.
Mara and
Glowing Nebula Rizoath (f)
Pitros and Rayant Leucosth (m)
The return to the Mexican desert had been a sudden decision. After all
they'd never talked about returning before. All 6 of them had gotten their
dragons at Lantessama and all of them had gone through basic training
though it wasn't likely they'd need it on Earth. But you never know
where these three couple might end up in the future. For one thing, it
was not certain they'd be able to keep their dragons a secret from the
rest of the world. Most of the Earth-bound dragonriders had been forced
to leave at some point in time, leaving only a legend behind to prove
they'd once existed: Loch Ness, Quetzalcoatl, and the countless mideival
"Maybe we could start a dinosaur revival"
Geidros suggested.
"That's been done, it's called jurassic park." Avara said.
Shrugging the raptor dragon decided that vurrowing in the warm sand
might be more interesting than trying to make conversation. He sighed
happily and was soon joined by the 5 other dragons. They 6 of them lay
in groups of two, tails intertwined. Clearly they did not mind to be
linked from birth by the telepathic bond they shared with their riders.
"Looking at that I wonder how long it'll take before they fly." Pitros
"Maybe not too long." Avara added, "Having a mating flight might be
"For you maybe." Rixos sighed, "they'd have to be in the open for that."
"We could always return to lantessama for that." Mara noted, "I'd like
to study dragons some more."
"Seeing how they interfered with human evolution and history." Lithos
"It certainly would be nice to go back." Kariya decided.

Kariya x Lithos -
Avara x Rixos

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