
Searched without Knowing
Derin looked up from his fishing when he heard a faint crack. He looked around, but saw nothing. But no! There it was again. Someone was getting closer to him...closer and closer...Suddenly he was attacked!! He screamed and tried to get up from under his opponent, trying to get in the river where he could swim to safety. He saw an opening and ducked through, hoping he wouldn't tear his clothes. He reached the water and dove in, safe now from his brother's teasing. He saw his brother standing on the shore, taking his fish...he would probably be rewarded for catching this many...and Derin would be punished, for playing in the water, but his brother was dead-scared of water. He was safe there, and sometimes the shipfish would come and play with him, they were his friends.
Derin was a tall young boy of about 14 turns, he had halflong brown hair and bright blue eyes. Neither of his parents had blue eyes, but his grandmother had, she had been nice to him. He had spent hours with her when she was still alive, helping her out, so his parents couldn't complain.
He crawled up to a nice sun-warmed rock and tried to dry his clothes and catch some fish before he had to go back. He was lucky today,  the shipfish came to help him. Well they ate most of the fish they caught, but he had 5 nice enough ones to take home. He waved at the shipfish and left for the village.
He took a long winding path, leading to the back of the small hold, he hoped he wouldn't see his brother, Mikael again. The sun was setting and the water turned that nice orange blue that could only be found here, at the Southern continent. They hadn't lived here for long, they had come like so many others to find a hold of their own, to live life easier in the lush forests of the South. But life wasn't easy here, his parents had to work hard and his brother was in charge of him.
He reached the end of the path and saw the cots. He smelled roast wherry too, it would be good eating tonight! Then he remembered, there were eggs hardening in the nearby Beach Shards Weyr, searchriders were coming to recruit youngsters. it would be wonderful to be searched...he could dream hours of soaring through the sky, fighting thread, not needing to report to anyone except the weyrleaders who were sensible people. How else would they have impressed a dragon? But he wasn't allowed to speak to anyone at these formal diners. He could do something stupid and offend a person of high rank, yeah right, as if he would spill his food like he was still a baby.
He noticed his brother had already got back with his fish, and by the look on his face, was greatly rewarded too. Derin brought his fish to the kitchen and sneaked back outside, hoping to see a glimps of the dragonriders. Suddenly they filled the sky, 2 big blues, circling to find a good landing spot. They landed in a nearby vacated meadow and sat down. Their two riders, both still young, came to the hold and smiled at all the fuss.
While they were eating, Derin softly went near the dragons and looked at them. One raised his head and stared with his facetted eye, whirling blue and green. He was amazed by their strength and beauty. Knowing he would probably never experience the deep bond between rider and dragon. Not while he was in this hold, being bullied around by his brother. He took a decision then that would change his life completely.
In the deep of the night he rose from his bed and took some leftover wherry and some extra clothing. He looked at the stars and by the light of Belerion he found his way to the forests, and the trail leading to Beach Shards Weyr. The trip was relatively safe, it wasn't that far to Beach Shards Weyr and all the way there were small holds like his father's.
He arrived there 3 days later and heard the singing of the dragons. He stood there in awe for a minute realizing the eggs were hatching. Then he ran to the hatching grounds and dashed in, not realizing he was interrupting and coming in uninvited. But there he saw what he always dreamed of, the newly matched pairs, caring for each other and the knowledge they would always be together. He went closer, not able to stop until he joined the group waiting near the last 5 eggs...


Derin rushed to the hatching grounds. He didn't count the times he went to the hatching grounds again. You would think a mother knows when her eggs are hatching, but apparently this one was a bit nervous. The pretty teal Lilac dragon had announced the hatching 7 times already and the candidates had gone to the sands, hoping to impress. He had been accepted as candidate, after one of the searchrider dragons had confirmed they knew him. At least they couldn't take that away from him anymore. By following the laws of logic he now wished that the hatching wouldn't take place. That there'd be another 12 announcings before they hatched, and maybe, just maybe, the eggs would hatch today.
He enetered and saw a big swoosh of sand surrounding the first hatchling. He ran towards one of the boys he had met and hoped no-one had seen his tardy entrance. The his eyes set on the beautiful clouded gold. He didn't know there had been a gold egg in this clutch. Next up were two greens, but by then Derin only noticed the two eggs rocking right in front of him. Suddenly they broke and two blues emerged. Both of them moved into their direction and Derin sighed as he heard laughter in his head and a dark blue voice, sounding a lot like smoke, saying:
"My name is Motreth, Rider."
He hugged the dragon and together they left.
"I'm Derin, how come you are such a dark blue?"
"You aren't anymore, now you are D'rin and you are all that I need. I don't know about the blue" Motreth looked puzzled.
"Can we go eat?"
"Of course."





Motreth swam quietly in the sea, all but the tip of his nose and eyes popping up from the surface. The deep blue of his skin was very noticeable in the light blue waters of the shoreline, but that didn't bother him. After all he was here to relax, not play hide and seek.
Not far from him, his rider, Derin, 19 turns old, was drifting lazily. He had scrubbed his arms off washing Motreth and he deserved some rest before the dragon would dump his wishes onto him.
Motreth chuckled in anticipation.
"What is it?" Derin asked surprised.
"Nothing." Motreth answered.
"That means trouble... It always does. Just tell me, I can take it, I can take just about anything right now."
"I want to fly a female."
"That's not that bad. Where is she rising."
"Haven't thought of that yet."
"Strange... I've never heard of this place."
Derin gulped down a mouth of seawater, plummeted to the bottom of the sea when he tried to turn into the water, forgetting that drifting on your belly isn't quite as easy as drifting on your back.
"What?!" he croaked when he had slightly recovered from both those events.
"Don't take this lightly!" Motreth called. "It means a lot to me."
"Sticking the guilt on me."
"Always." Motreth chuckled, "Please?"
"Okay, but I better get some rest out there."
"More rest than today?"
"Lots more."


Derin impressed at Beach Shards Weyr.

Lantessama Isle