- Motorboat Mayhem -
- Based upon a true story, but gravely,
gravely exaggerated -
Elkenjy impressed at Darkling
The hatching began on a dark evening. An evening Ada would have loved.
Elkenjy shivered and rubbed some heat in her body. A cold wind entered the
hatching acvern as the last candidates entered. Soon after the first egg
broke and spilled a dark green female on the sands. Elkenjy had learnt a lot
about dragons in the past 3 days. Greens and golds were females, Blues,
Browns and Bronzes were males. But today only Greens, Blues and Browns were
The dark green found her bond and the people in the stands sighed relieved
as she found her bond. Not all dragons would bond humans. Even with the 2
that had arrived only hours before the hatching there were still 4 vacant
The second and third egg hatched revealing a blue and brown almost equal in
size. Surprisingly the lower ranking (though large) blue was the first to
chose. As it trotted towards her, Elkenjy didn't quite get it. Blues were
male, they impressed boys and men.
Answering her unuttered question the dragon thought in her head:
"Hey, Elkenjy. Yeah, I’m a boy, so what? I’m Hatenth,
and you’re going to feed me, right?"
"Of course Hatenth." Elkenjy answered. She knew his name. It was
too late to say no anyway... and that was exactly what the blue had known.
Maybe this unusual bond would have it's advantages. Elkenjy and baby blue
Hatenth left the sands to find some food for his rumbling stomach.
Elkenjy quickly glanced at Indan and Ylessa who were still waiting. "I will
have the best dragon." she said to herself.
"Of course. You have me." Hatenth said
with a sarcastic sneer.

Blue Hatenth
The next weeks and months Ylessa didn't have much time to worry about
Elkenjy or Indan. In fact they were the least of her problems. Reath was
growing and she'd picked up a Rukel, a creature indiginous to Darkling Dawn.
And later today she'd have to meat with Indan and Elkenjy.
The three of them were so busy lately that they hardly had time to get
together and chat. And as much trouble as the two of them had been for her
before, she still missed them when they weren't around.
"They're your friends, right." Reath
"Yeah, I guess they are.
Meanwhile, Indan was busy grooming her Green Emath for the late night
weyrling training class 'Flying stealth at night'. She'd managed to stay out
of trouble for the most part. Too busy as they all were with training and
adapting. And just when she'd gotten used to the changes, she'd had had to
move into her own weyr.
"I like it here better though."
"Don't you miss the company of the other dragons?"
"Hmm... not really. I feel them all the time. It's
you who misses your friends isn't it?"
"Great now you know how to search my brain."
"I learn fast." Emath quipped.
Across the weyr, Elkenjy was busy drilling her blue Hatenth. Though she
hadn't wisened up as much as her two companions on that motorboat joyride,
she did understand the importance of training. A well-trained pair could get
away with more.
"I'll need to be a few seconds faster if i want to
elude the watchdragon." Hatenth said.
"You can't seem to shave those last seconds off, can't you?"
"It's like I'm being kept back by something."
he sighed, "If only SOMEONE would lessen the load."
"I guess you found out about the stones."
"I can only tolerate so much." he
"Fine then. We'll have to go to the meeting anyway."
"You sound so irritated, but I know you love them."
Hatenth grinned, "Maybe I should tell..."
"You snitch!" Elkenjy dropped the stones from her sack onto the dragon's
"That's abuse you know!" Indan called from a couple of yards away.
"What trouble did you get in now?" Ylessa asked.
"Nothing." Elkenjy gritted her teeth.

Elkenjy looked at her smugly smiling dragon.
"You know I hate you for this?" she asked.
"I know you do."
"Then why are you still smiling?"
"Because I don't get to see you all riled up like
this. The face you're making is wonderful."
"I'll teach you wonderful!" Elkenjy advanced on her dragon, ready to pounce
him good for signing himself up in a random mating flight. For all she knew
she'd get stuck with a female partner.
"I could still lose." Hatenth smirked.
"As if you'd lose! You'd play every dirty trick in the book to make me
"I do it out of love." Hatenth giggled
Elkenjy fumed in her own anger. There was absolutely nothing she could do.
The two of them were signed up and weasling out of it was something she
wouldn't do. There was no way she'd show weakness. Picking up on his rider's
wicked thoughts, Hatenth added:
"I'll make certain I'm carefull the next coming
weeks so I won't get hurt."
Elkenjy screamed.
images made by me or found on google search
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