Name: Celi
Gender: female
Age: 19 (17 at impression)
Description: Celi has long curly brown hair that's full and shiny. She has
bright brown eyes and loves to smile. She carries herself with a lot of
Thoughts: Celi likes to laugh. She is very optimistic and sunny. She loves
to flirt and tease. She's a nice girl though and usually doesn't take it too
Intelligence: Average
Family: Daughter of a fisherman.
Pets: Sunset Dragonder Iptuli from Lantessama

Celi was born the daughter of a fisherman in a Southern Pernese Hold. Many
people had told her that life was hard, but it wasn't to Celi. Even when
fish was scarce or when storms took the lives of humans, she felt that life
was worth living. It wasn't hard at all.
Celi'd often played with the dolphins that swam around her hold when she was
a child. Many of her friends had done so, but most of them had moved on
later. A scarce few of them had held onto the wonder that was a dolphin. To
Celi the underwater world was like a hidden paradise that she'd been able to
explore only because she'd been born the daughter of a sailor.
Be that as it may, there was another hidden paradise that she longed to
explore. Nature had given her legs to walk the earth and Luck had given her
a place near the sea, but neither of her two gifts helped her explore the
sky. She could only watch, never touch.
Celi wasn't unhappy with her life. Far from it, sometimes she felt like she
was asking for too much, but on the other hand, to have wings like a dragon
felt like life's biggest gift to her.
Dragonriders and even searchriders had visited her hold and some of her
friends had been searched. But the dragons had left her where she was every
time. Maybe wanting a dragon because she envied it's wings wasn't the right
motivation. But Celi couldn't help it.
Almost as if it had been predestined, at that exact moment in time, a large
shadow hovered above her. Celi looked up and saw a blue form against the
blue of the sky, with just a hint of brown on paws, nose and tail.
Celi followed the dragon as fast as she could and made it to the landing
spot five minutes after Gwyveth and his rider Lokren had touched down.
"Lokren!" Celi called.
A year and a half ago she and Lokren had joined a fishing trip. Though
Lokren had been older than her, he'd never been on a boat before and looked
a bit pale around the nose when she'd met him. She'd gently talked him out
of it though and they'd hit it of. Alas he'd been searched that very same
day. Still, Celi could not forget the figure of that boy standing at the bow
of the ship whose wings were about to sprout from his back.
"Celi" Lokren called back and waved.
"You impressed!"
"This is Gwyveth." Lokren introduced them.
"He's big." Celi said, "And what's that brown?"
Dragons were supposed to have one of five colours, not mix them together.
"Gwyveth has some unusual forefathers." Lokren laughed, "But today we came
for you."
Gwyveth bowed down and nudged her hands with his nose. Awed, Celi noticed a
little patch of flaky hide which she scratched.
"He's still growing." Lokren said, "But he's very pleased with what you're
"The dolphins sometimes get this too." Celi shrugged.
"Still Gwyveth says that even if it's wings you want you should still be
"He read my mind?" Celi asked.
"Does that bother you?"
"No, but I didn't feel a thing..."
"I didn't either. Some dragons talk to people directly, but Gwyveth doesn't
like that much. He talks to other dragonriders though."
A small flash of light suddenly burst next to them and before she knew it,
Celi saw flashes of purple hover around her.
"It followed us?" she heard Lokren asked before she suddenly heard little
chirps next to her ear. She couldn't understand what it was, but they
reminded her of dolphin sounds. High-pitched and rhythmic.
"It seems the dragonder likes you too." Lokren sighed.
"What's a dragonder?"
Lokren plucked the creature away from next to her ears and held the small
bubble of water in front of her. Inside she saw a small, brightly coloured
fish diving and swimming.
"This is a dragonder. they come from another world. Me and Gwyveth were
there on business. Apparently these little animals stick close to dragons
and only bond those who have one or will get one soon. The only effective
way to get rid of them is a firelizard... which I don't have."
"Who'd want to get rid of it? It looks pretty." Celi said.
Obviously pleased by her words, the critterchirped again and then swamp
around her head, fracturing the light in a rainbow of colour.
"That settles it." Lokren shrugged, "We're getting you a dragon."
Celi grinned and couldn't resist adding: "You like me this much? You could
have just brought me back to the Weyr."
"Well, that was the plan." Lokren admitted blushing, "But I think you'll
like Lantessama better. They're based on an Island."
Autumn approached and Green Obonixtenathremarth, Obo,
felt that the hatching of her clutch was near. Good, because her arms,
legs and wings had been itching to fly again. As an energetic, impulsive
dragoness her patience had been stretched to the extreme. Her instinct as
a mother and her character battling daily. She'd managed to keep guard
over her eggs almost the entire time they'd been in the hatching cavern.
This last week her burden had been lessened somewhat by her bond, Jeri and
the father of her eggs, Gwaith.
"It won't be long." she announced to these two males, "They've started to
And together they started the draconic choir of voices that boomed all
over the isle leaving no doubt about the impending hatching.
Obo had laid five eggs and in accordance, five candidates had been
searched. These five, four humanoids and one surprisingly interesting
sentient ocelot, now filed into the hatching cavern and formed a crescent
line around the eggs. The eggs twisted, jolted, cracked and shuddered, but
no lines had yet appeared on their outer surface. The people that had
hastily ran to the hatching cavern were joined by more as time went on.
Everyone seemed to be holding their breath for when the eggs would hatch.
"A crack!" someone suddenly yelled and indeed did the base of one of the
eggs suddenly start quivering violently.
A blue dragon hatched and bonded.
A few seconds passed before the next egg shattered, sending little specks of
eggshell flying. A forest green hatchling stepped away from the remaining
debris and looked at the four humanoid candidates before her. One was male
and three were female. Turning away from the man she seemed to hesitate
just a moment between Esme and Celi before finally heading toward the
"Huavith! Huavith!" she called
excitingly, "That's my name Celi!"
"You're very pretty." Celi said, crouching down next to her dragon.
Nudging her bond's shoulder with her nose the green flapped her wings in a
peculiar fashion.
"I'm hungry." she whined.
"Well you were jumping." Celi shrugged, leaving the sands behind her
little bond.

3 more years had passed and both Gwyveth and Huavith had reached adulthood.
They got along great, as expected by their riders, and had agreed to a
closed mating flight at Lantessama.

Celi is weyrmated to
Lantessama Isle