The Sultans of Schwung


Name: Nuri
Age: 29
Gender: Female 
Title: Vezir us-Shura of the South-East

Description & Personality: Nuri is a heavyset, tall woman who rivals most men in size. She has a pale tan complexion, brown eyes, a straight nose and long dark brown hair that she hardly ever ties or braids. She likes to wear rich and soft fabrics, enjoying their luxurious feel. 
Nuri has always worked hard to get what she wanted. She studied, she bargained and she trained to get where she's at. Though she inherited her title, it did not fall into her lap. She is a proud woman who works for the greater good but has her own agenda that she carefully keeps hidden. 
Heritage and Bio: Nuri's name means "my light" and she was the only child of her parents who ruled the South-East before her. She was educated and raised to know all manner of talents and skills, from learning languages, music to training in several martial arts. She can hold her own in battle but can also persuade a room full of ministers by campaigning as the head vizier's councillor. As Hakim's right-hand woman, she is a very powerful presence in the government.

Bonds: Brown-Mauve Drone Asclepiass (f) and Black-Blue Tobiano Warrior Cornaless (m) from the Heimdall Laboratory


The hatching bay had been twisted away from its glorious, gleaming self. The walls were sticky with black resin, devouring all light that tried to pour over the eggs. It stank - humid and putrid with a deeply organic stink that choked the air. Footing was slick and walking across the bay was treacherous. Soldiers lined the walls in full armour, weapons at the ready. There were far fewer outside candidates for this bonding ceremony. None that had impressed a noulicorn were permitted down here, which thinned the group considerably. But Heimdall residents more than made up for their lack of numbers.
Vilifyss slipped from the ceiling of the cavern, spooling onto the floor like an oil slick. She spread her wings and hissed, tail lashing. Candidates squirmed behind Krum but none broke rank and fled. Good. A brave lot. Teeth bared, Vilifyss turned her back on the group and led them around the winding corridors to the rows upon rows of "incubators." The noulicorns were all sedated, settled in a deep painless, dreamless sleep. They were volunteers insomuch as their "Grandfather Tree" summoned them to sacrifice themselves, but they didn't need any knowledge beyond that. They'd spent the last several weeks in carefully monitored comas. No pain, no fear.
Already the crack of ribs and wet squelch of blood flooded the cavern. All at once the air filled with the shriek of chestbursters. Flashes of bright colour slashed the darkness as hatchlings sprang for shadows to hide in. Horns slashed through the chests of their hosts, followed by the perfect domes of heads. Long, insectoid legs wriggled through. Their hooves were covered in Eponycium, a soft tissue covering the hooves that was completely unnecessary for a species that killed its host upon birth, especially when they sported fully formed horns. About a third of the hatchlings sported bare wing stumps that flapped uselessly as they slithered through shadows. 
A dozen bursters raced for their mother and crooned at her heels. And the rest... dozens and dozens more... shrieked and clawed their way toward the candidates. The air tasted of bile and fear.
With her companions already bonded to noulicorn fawns, Sultan Nuri stood alone in the dank hatching cavern, her sword brandished at gnashing, slobbering teeth. The sea of bursters at her feet was difficult to discern but she'd learned enough not to cut them if they came too close to her. Instead, she shoved and butted those that snarled at her until they scampered away for easier prey.
:: You don't need to do that with me :: squeaked a little pink-purple female, approaching slow and cautious from Nuri's front. 
:: I'm your Asclepiass and I think I can behave... for a little bit, at least. ::
:: You can and you will :: snarled a larger, winged male. Blue-grey and streaked with white paint. It snapped at its sister as it approached but took up guard at Nuri's feet, ready to help fend off attacking siblings. 
:: I'm Cornaless and I'll knock sense into anyone that tries to harm us. ::


Nuri had made it out of that hatching alive and well. Having bonded not one but two of the fearsome creatures that were thought to become far bigger than the Noulicorns would ever be gave her a powerful advantage. Her two xenocorns even looked fearsome and she had no doubt that people would keep their distance. And yet, her two companions were not at all threatening in her eyes. Asclepiass could be a bit impulsive, forgetting about consequences and just doing what she wanted. But Cornaless was always around to keep her in check. He was smarter, more careful but also very stubborn and prone to discussion. But Nuri didn't mind as he proved to be able to have wonderful debates with her. Sometimes she wondered if her Xenocorns were two parts of her essence having come to life. Her proud and righteous self and her innocent but selfish desires. 
"Desires are good, it feels so nice to do things you want to do." Asclepiass whispered, feeling sated and sleepy.
"But keep others in mind, you shouldn't harm others." Cornaless preeched.
 Even their powers were amazing. Nuri had not expected her companions to be so powerful but they exceeded all her dreams. They were nimble, able to climb almost vertical and were invulnerable to acid. But Asclepiass had an additional affinity for metals, being able to find them, weld them and shape them while Cornaless was somehow able to influence plant life. Both of their powers would prove to be so useful back on Schwung where natural resources were scarce. Nuri could almost imagine Ruya's reaction when she saw what her babies could do. 
"We need to get back first." Cornaless reminded her.
"I know. Hakim and Fadil are on it."
Neither of their bonds could teleport so they would need to ask for transport. Which meant they needed to somehow trade for whatever that cost would be. But they were no longer alone and with the added powers of their bonds, Nuri was certain they would be successful. 

Name: Asclepiass
Gender: Female
Caste: Drone
Colour: Brown-Mauve
Adult Height: 5'4" at shoulder
Alignment: True Neutral
Personality: quirky, trustful, foolish, faithful
Gift: Industry
Abilities at Birth
     *acid immunity
     *acid blood
     *mindstream communication
     *resin secretion
Abilities at Maturity:
     *Salvage: Through meditation, the user can locate useful pieces of scrap materials.
     *Weld: The user is able to fuse two small inanimate objects together, or fuse a small object to a larger one.
     *Metallurgy: the ability to control metal, changing its shape and/or component materials

Name: Cornaless
Gender: Male
Caste: Warrior
Colour: Black-Blue Tobiano
Adult Height: 7'7" at shoulder
Alignment: Lawful Good
Personality: temperamental, draconian, paternal, messy
Gift: Botanic
Abilities at Birth
     *acid immunity
     *acid blood
     *mindstream communication
     *resin secretion
Abilities at Maturity:
     *Garden Sense: the user touches a plant and enters a state of meditation. 
                             In this state the user can sense the health of the plant and determine what, if anything, is wrong with it
     *Revive Plant: the user can revive a dead plant, even if all that remains is dried roots or petrified wood
     *Bloom: the user causes flowers to sprout at their feet in a meter-wide radius




Lantessama Isle
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