Rheean walked into the hatching sands confident. For a moment, a scowl
appeared on her face when she noticed the mother of the clutch not coming
in. That was not as they had taught her, but she quickly realised it
didn't matter.
The hatching began with three eggs bursting, a brown, a green and a blue.
The green was what Rheeann focused on. She knew that she had the best
chance of impressing a green, colours did not matter to her, as long as
the hatchling did not have yellow eyes and piranha-like teeth she'd be
overcome with joy, she thought sarcastically.
Another green hatched and then another, the first two bonding to other
girls on the sands. Finally the third turned to her, merely snorted and
then continued her path to Rheeann where she sat down firmly. She gave the
other green that had cut her off before a look and declared loudly.
"I didn’t want her in the first place. I knew I
wanted you as soon as I left my shell."

Green Gyimath
Rheeann cleared her mind of everything she didn't want to think off. She
just lay in the sun, feeling the heat of the stone below sink into her
skin while the warmth of Gyimath's hide glowed warmly all around her.
"Not so much heaven." Gyimasth sighed.
"Am I being a bother?" Rheeann asked.
"No, no." Gyimath was quick to say,
"I'm feeling uncomfortable, that's all."
"Need a bath? Or a massage? A good scrubbing?"
Rheeann insisted.
"A man." Gyimath sighed.
Rheeann chuckled, "Mir'az is going to love this."
"Cranky as he may be at times, he still looks out
for his sister. I think he'll be glad though that Zas already left.
Imagine him chasing us."
"That Porunth of his was rather delectable though."
"You're just saying that to get a rise out of
me." Rheeann said with a shocked look on her face,
"You wouldn't seriously consider him, right?"
"He was a fine dragon." Gyimath said,
"But no, I wouldn't risk our relationship for a
good f... chase."
"Spoken like a true lady."

Back to Lantessama Isle
Miraz impressed at Tripaldi
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