Lorry approached the hatching bay with the feeling of being held back by a
real fast current. It took her every strength to get where she needed to
be. Twin forces were fighting in her body, each trying to win. The first
power was her loyalty to her species. She knew that what she was about to
do might be considered treason to some degree. Even if she did it to get
home and maintain her cover, it was still treason. She did not have to go
through with this.
But the other force in her mind told her to go on. To find what these
people called a dragon, and find out more about them. It would be a new
adventure and Lorry had to admit she lived for adventure. The thrill in
her blood, the feeling of danger and excitement. She was all feeling that
now. Her life would change, she knew that... and that was what made it
hard for her to do the sensible thing. The thing she was expected to do.
But be reasonable, she deserved this.
Lorry watched 6 eggs hatch, their dragons walk away from her. And then it
came, the magical moment she had so expected. Her heart raced even more
though her exterior remained calm, like it always looked. Distant, cold...
like everyone knew her. And she was those things most of the time, they
helped her to survive. But there was another side to her, a softer side
that begged to be allowed freedom, to share itself with someone they could
The seventh hatchling looked over all the remaining candidates carefully.
She could feel Zer next to her taking a defensive posture. He wasn't
certain they should be doing this either. And she couldn't blame him. He
really was an impulsive man, but the prospect of spending more time among
the humans kept him on his toes.
Finally the red hatchling made her move. She strode, like a warrior,
balanced and in control toward Lorry. The world faded away for a moment
and all Lorry could hear was the voice in her head... all she could see
were the eyes of Ekesiyu... her dragon.
"You, you'll do perfectly. Let's go."
It was over so quickly Lorry wondered if it had been real. But she
could still feel Ekesiyu's presence... a presence that told her of all the
stuff she had wanted to do ever since she had awakened in her egg. All the
pranks she wanted to play, all the plans she had made. And Lorry knew that
her decision to stand hadn't been wrong.
"Screw loyalty," she
thought, "it's nothing compared to what I've
got here."

Partial Glitz Red Ekesiyu
Name: Ekesiyu
Gender: Female
Colour: Partial Glitz Red
Breed: Mutt
Size: Small
Height: 17'
Personality: Ekesiyu is a sneaky little dragon, with a mind as
sharp as a guillotine. When it comes to a fight, she can hold her own, but
she would much rather manoeuver someone else into doing the dirty-work for
her. If she gets anyone into trouble, it will never be her head that has
to roll for it.
Cyborware: Ekesiyu may redeem 1 minor cyborware token upon
Still at Dragon City, Lorry walked through the corridors. It was almost
time to say goodbye to the place she hadn't called home for almost 2 years.
She had experienced much here and would not leave without good memories...
nor would she leave alone. Ekesiyu would go with her, back home. Zer had
promised he would follow once his Zoatch had matured enough to leave
This suited Lorry's plans perfectly. Zer had only just left her room, his
footsteps still audible in the hallway, clanking on the steel floor when
Lorry started to smile. Sure she would go home... but not right away.
No-one had come for them as they had first thought they would. And now
that she had Ekesiyu and could travel between time, there was no limit
about what they could do together.
"Rider mine." she heard
Ekesiyu say.
"Yes dear?"
"It is time to leave..."
"Have you made up your mind?"
Lorry heard a soft sneaky laugh accompanying those words and it made her
laugh as well. What jokes could they play in a real flight? Again the
possibilities were endless and Lorry enjoyed this freedom. She smiled
menacingly and took up her bag, more than ready to leave.

Back to Lantessama Isle
Lorry impressed at Star
City Dragonry
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