The candidates were
all well familiar with both the eggs and the parents of the clutch, so
none seemed especially nervous. Rashei had personally interviewed (or
interrogated, as many of the candidates thought) the candidates to make
sure that they were suitable for the clutch. No one was quite sure what he
thought was suitable, but they had all passed his inspection. Seven
candidates, and supposedly six eggs, though no one could be quite sure
with G*non’s counting skills.
The chatter among the candidates and spectators grew quiet as cracks began
to spread along the shell of one of the eggs. A shining gray paw was the
first part of the dragon to emerge, followed by the head when the hole was
big enough. The rest of the shell fell away around the hatchling,
leaving it looking rather wobbly on the sands. He seemed to have traits
from both his parents, with hathian eye-horns and speckled wings. His
dominant color was gray with stripes of a darker shade, but his entire
body was covered with a sheen that made him a beautiful creature indeed.
This hatchling seemed to
know the attention he was getting, so relished in it all the way over to
the candidates. He half-spread his wings, basking, when he spotted a face
that made him chirp happily. "Klondar!
When you leave this planet you’ll be taking me, right?"
Klondar nodded at the
strange life form. “Of course, Chechith.”
Klondar intended to go home, he really did. Just the time had not come
yet. A deep giggle echoed in his mind as Chechith probed his thoughts.
"What?" Klondar asked.
"Just admit to yourself that you're never
going to go back." the glitz silver-grey dragon said, his
eyehorns twitching in amusement, "You don't
dare go back because you broke the ship."
"But I don't need a ship anymore now." Klondar said, "I've
got you."
"True and comforting as that may be... that
won't save you and you know it."
"I can take whatever punishment they give me."
"Your mind tells me other things."
Chechith pushed further, displaying the mental image of Klondar on the
racks that had the young alien terrified to dead, "Plus
I would not tolerate my rider to be hurt. Nor that anyone would ehem,
breed me for transport functions."
"Isn't that what you do here?"
"Do not even try to make that sound just. Do
you breed for matters of reproduction only? You would have me examined and
cared for as if I was a mindless thing. Going back is no option."
"I know..." Klondar gave in, "But I cannot tell myself I'll
never be home again."
"For all they know you are dead. Isn't
exploring the universe with me far better?"
"Are dragons supposed to be selfish?"
"Are alien bonds supposed to be?"
Chechith bounced the question right back.
"Well I darn well can't stay here." Klondar said, "I told
G*non I would go. Somehow he seemed happy that I would."
"G*non isn't one of the most open humans
around." Chechith said, "But
not a bad human because of it. He just is ehm... traditional, stuck up and
somewhat challenged in the mind."
"That's the first time I've heard you say something like that."
"When G*non finds out I said this he'll
surely kick us out." Chechith grinned.
"And where would we go?"
"Well, I could always join a mating flight
Chechith suggested carefully.
"It's about that dragoness again, isn't it?" Klondar asked with a tired look in his eyes,
"How many times do I have to tell you her rider and I don't match, do you think
she'd even like to have you catch her dragon if I'm the price she gets in
the process?"
"You might be surprised." Chechith
told his rider, "Not everyone is who they
appear to be."
"What do you mean? Is there a society of very flexible humans around
who would not mind an alien lover?"
"Something like that."
Chechith grinned, "Now let me fly."
A sound from the entrance of the cave reached their ears. Loud footsteps
echoed on the walls. Footsteps that sounded urgent and angry.
"G*non found out." Chechith
said, "Let's leave!"

Back to Lantessama Isle
Klondar impressed at Cy
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