"Bleep… I’m hungry.."
The rather round alien with black eyes said to the taller alien.
"You just have to wait a few more minutes
Blip." Bleep whispered back. "Look
another dragon is hatching".
It was a rain dragon, the same colour as the dragon they had first met when they came
here. Blip held his breath.
"Don’t forget to breath."
A soft male voice whispered in his head.
He gasped for breath and grinned at the male dragon.
"I won’t forget Sparrow."
"Now you have to go to the feeding ground. But don’t get into
trouble!" Bleep called after his brother Blip.

Bleep, Blip, Rashaelith and Sparrow were on a trip to the mainland of
Syl'Neriss. They had hiked through the forests, picked fruit and now, when
the sun was on it's highest, the four of them had gone swimming in a
sheltered cove. Bleep and Rashaelith sat on the beach, guarding the food
and watching the two others as they swam in the waters.
The water was warm and slightly salty. Blip tasted it, taking a big gulp
inside and then spitting it all out.
"You like this water?" he asked
"It's nice." the rain dragon said,
rolling his bulk around.
"It's icky." Blip said.
"You shouldn't taste that!" Sparrow
remarked, but at the same time felt the need to taste it too because he
wanted to feel whatever his bond experienced. He opened his mouth and
gulped down a large quantity of sea water.
"It's not that bad." he said.
"You have no tongue!" Blip called out,
laughing like only young children and those whose minds still were at that
age could.
"I have one!" Sparrow remarked,
slobbering his tongue all over Blip.
"It's a kiss!" Sparrow said, playing
"This is a kiss." Blip said, gently
pressing his lips against Sparrow's face.
"For you maybe."
"Hey! What's Bleep doing?" Blip asked,
his voice just a tad worried.
"He's still on the beach." Sparrow
said, "Rashaelith is asking to fly."
"He can fly already, can't he?"
"This is a different kind of flying. The type
where you chase a female."
"Why?" Blip asked,
"They're so silly!"
"Haven't you felt all warm and tingly around a
girl yet?"
Blip blushed, "Maybe."
"Rashaelith feels that too. So he wants to chase
her and kiss her and make babies."
"Ewww!" Blip remarked,
"You won't do that, right?"
"Not unless you want to."
"I'm never going to want that."
"What if I ask nicely?" Sparrow asked.
Blip quieted down for a moment. "What does it
feel like?"
"I wouldn't know." Sparrow said,
"I hear it feels really good. Plus you get
"Which are dirty because they poop."
Blip remarked.
"I take that as a no."
"Are you mad?" Blip asked worried.
"Nah. I have too much fun with you."
Sparrow smiled, splashing his tail in the water making Blip go down below
the surface. As he came back up he was dripping wet and had swallowed a
good deal of water.
"Yuck!" he called,

Back to Lantessama Isle
Blip bonded at Lantessama Isle
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